Wow, Concoction: Kiss of Death trinket, this looks crazy

I just got it from Delve, but from the description, sounds solid!
30 sec every 2.5 mins +1,344 to ALL secondary stats.

Anyone run it can tell me if it’s hot? Maybe target a heroic version from vault?

EDIT: It’s hot! Get your delves in and find this one. Not sure if loot is linked to specific delves, but got it from K’s Rest today.

Make sure you get a weak aura to track the buff because getting stunned for 5 seconds is typically a death sentence.

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I got that trinket from a delve and used it to beat a bountiful delve last night. It was solid (though I forgot to stop it before the 30 second mark and did get stunned).

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Pretty sure all delves share the same loot table apart from cosmetics that come from certain delves. I got a heroic version of this trinket today from a T8 map and havnt really had a chance to use it yet, hoping it’s alright but I think the shadow-binding ritual knife is one of the better trinkets from delves

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That’s the one I’ve been using. Not really a fan of the “curse” aspect though. The trinket is basically a glorified stat stick as it is, there was no need to give it an annoying “flavor” proc.

In general I am really disappointed with the trinkets in TWW so far. Most of them feel phoned in and the statistically best ones are mostly completely passive except for the Spyweb which also has to be tracked with a WeakAura.

(post deleted by author)

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Really??? That’s crazy. Like you don’t get it when in combat?

i ran so many sims and i am like baffled at how it wont’ work in combat only out of combat and then when applied before combat it disappears during combat… nobody said anything about being out of combat.

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i am thinking it may be an addon problem but i haven’t figured it out yet…

edit: okay so i figured it out … u need like a moment of time to “let the toxins course through your veins” so u CAN NOT BE IN MOTION WHILE APPLYING THE TRINKET ! so when i am jumping form puddle to puddle or dodging mechanics prob best to use this trinket when u are not moving… u need to sit still until u turn green… which seems less. then .03 seconds … i am trying to figure out how this worked and i think i figured it out! but the question is? is it worth it?

edit: whatever you do don’t spam the trinket when getting ready to use… will only activate and then deactivate right away. just seems like this kiss of death is more work than anything … is it worth it while in combat with mechanics?

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I copied a macro from WoW head via mage trinket page that seems to help (and syncs it with surge).

I think the idea of this trinket is half-baked. They really needed to add some kind feedback in-game that the trinket is about to expire.

I have it, and it’s powerful, but you absolutely need a weakaura to remind you. And I don’t like when we HAVE to use a weakaura. I thought they were moving away from that kind of stuff

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Yea, so far I’m just counting down from 30 when I hit it, or keeping one eye on the buff and when it gets to lower numbers counting down in my head. I did manage to miss turning it off on a boss fight and got nuked, lol.

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I tried to do that but died to it twice in a pug key yesterday. I was lucky no-one in the group decided to flame me for it

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The rumour is that it can be used with another on use trinket, like the font. That true?

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Sort of. When you use it, it does proc a 15 second cooldown on your other on-use trinket. Since it lasts 30 seconds (at most), you could pop the second trinket after 15 seconds to get more stats, secondary stats, or whatever. I am hoping to get a different proc trinket to replace my second trinket.

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Can confirm it works with Imperfect Ascension trinket if used at the same time (Kiss has to be first in the macro). Not sure if it’s a bug though.

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Oh snap, wasn’t even tracking this. Probably the bug comes from the fact you need to “use” the trinket again to turn it off. So it doesn’t trigger the trinket exclusion cooldown on the first use. I will explore this further.

Edit: they caught onto that fast!!!

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Yeah, raiding tonight they can no longer be used at the same time. And I stunned myself so many times because I was trying to cancel it manually like before…

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I don’t know what happened, but every time I try using it it goes on cooldown and then I can’t take the antidote to prevent the stun. So, I would advise strongly against using this trinket since Blizzard broke it somehow.

Edit: Apparently they hot fixed it to be cleared by jumping. Rather annoying.

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