Seeing everything that is getting revamp makes me wonder if WoW companion app will ever gets revamped as well.
The app feels old and clunky like stopped in time.
Honestly it doesn’t match nowadays quality standards when compared to others. It doesn’t feel like an app for SMARTphones, it’s unintuitive, clunky and unstable.
I understand that a lot people don’t care about it because they don’t use but the question is why they don’t care to use?
To me the answer is that it’s because of all those obvious flaws mentioned above.
Not everyone has the same level of patience to keeping using the app as it is even if you have that patience it’s frustrating how bad it is using it.
As the only app that allows you to login on your phone to manage AH or mess with your tables.
It feels bad, it looks bad knowing how simple it will be to make it work, look and feels better than it is right now and has been for years.
I hope to see revamped or complete redevelop since it isn’t hard to making a decent app for smartphones nowadays.
The costs for that it isn’t high and I’m sure about the highly quality of life that would comes from it.
Maybe even making those that don’t use for obvious reasons starting using.
I use the app to talk with my guildies and mess up my AH and on special farm pet charms of my tables.
It would be nice if someone in there sees how problematic it is app and how bad it is for ppl that want to use it since we don’t have other options besides not having anything.
I hope someone in there in charge of app’s development are working on something already sees this.