The WoW companion app currently will not connect to the T-Mobile network. This has been an ongoing problem that I have noticed on multiple Android and iOS devices since early into BfA. The app works perfectly when connected to WiFi but will not connect when on a mobile network signal.
I have sprint (I know kind of a part of Tmobile and I am having this issue as well
Same here. I have Google fi, which I know heavily uses t-mobile. Seeing that this has been an issue for over a year and unsure if it ever was fixed. Re installed 3 times, cleared app cache. Only 4 gigs in on my unlimited 22 gig data soft cap. I just want to keep adventures rolling while I’m at work!
I am on T-Mobile (not Metro, Sprint, or Google Fi) and able to use all features in the app exclusively on the mobile network. What area of the US are you both located in? I’m in the Southeast. Maybe it’s isolated to a certain part of their network.
I am on sprint and everything with the app worked fine until about a year ago. Ever since it’s wifi only. I have checked all settings and there’s no data restrictions.
Ongoing issue with T-mobile/Sprint and Android devices on hearthstone. There is a current work around by changing from 4G to 3G. The issue has been ongoing since May with no real fix or support in sight.
Ah, doesn’t look like my region of T-Mo is using IPv6, so that must be the difference.
Yeah in the Northeast my APN is set to IPv6 only
Yup, I had this same issue on T-Mobile until I configured my cell data connection to use IPv4 (as recommended in the Hearthstone post linked a few posts back.)
Anyone come up with an actual working solution? I can’t change my apn to ipv4 since it auto defaults back to its default ipv6.
What I don’t understand is why I can download assets but can’t connect after that
Hey there,
I’ve seen a number of these reports. So far all users report using non T-Mobile networks resolves the issue. It also seems to be specific to certain areas. I’ll get some tracking going on this. Please continue to report via this forum thread if you have not already. That way we can get any impacted users added to our tracking!
Thanks for reaching out to us on this. Cheers!
This definitely seems to be the same issue as the Hearthstone issue linked above. I can connect fine on wifi, but nothing over LTE data.
Changing the network mode to CDMA switches over to 3G and will allow me to connect fine. So that works for now.
For reference I’m using a Galaxy S9+, Android 10, Sprint/T-mobile, and I’m in Northwest Tennessee.
Just switch to IPv4 for LTE or 5G and it will work. The problem is that Blizzard’s apps don’t support IPv6.
Reporting in - app will not work on Sprint in the Northeast US. Works fine on WiFi. And I think you are trying to help, but don’t just instruct people to switch to IPv4. Blue post requested people report in this thread. So people should do so. They need to know it’s a widespread enough issue that they need to fix the root cause.
That’s all anyone here can do, really. Posting here complaining about the issue is counterproductive if you don’t want to try the workaround, because bug reports aren’t forwarded from this forum.
Mobile Bug Reports is the forum you want.
It’s the only thing to remedy this for the time being so it makes sense to continue to pass on this advice.
I have a Samsung S10+. On Tmobile in Louisville, KY, same issue where wifi works, and cell network does not.
On t mobile/ sprint. Definitly cant connect without wifi.
Same as some others. Honestly I didn’t even know it was possible to use the App while not ok wifi, I just thought it was how the app was meant to be, just wifi.
I have T-Mobil with a Samsung Galaxy s20 running Android 10. I live in Indiana of location factors into this.
My app does not work. I have sprint and live in eastern US