WoW Companion App Crashing

I am having a problem with the WoW Companion app for iOS. Running iOS 17.5.1 on iPhone 15 Pro Max. The app allows me to log into my account. It then proceeds to request my characters, then says logging in, then the app crashes. I have tried removing and reinstalling the app from the App Store, rebooting the phone, tried using both WiFi and data, nothing has worked. Same issue. Additionally, after installing the app and it tries to download all assets, it will begin downloading, then after about 15 seconds the download will freeze and gives a message in the background saying unable to load network data. Quitting the app and restarting it will resume the download, but the same issue will occur again after 15 seconds. This is occurring over both WiFi and cellular data.

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I’m having the same issue, my app crashes at the same spot.

For me, Moonrunner and Mal’Ganis stopped being accessible from the Companion app, about two weeks ago. It would be nice if we could get an explanation from Blizzard why this is happening before the cutoff date.

Same problem here, exactly. The only reason why this is annoying right now is that I have adventurers stuck on missions in shadowlands, and apparently the only way to complete the missions now are through the companion app. Blizz, when will we see a fix for the app??

I have the same problem. Knowing Blizzard, they will most likely not fix it until they release the next expansion on August 26th.