WoW Community Council Live Chat - July 14

Today, the WoW Community Council met with World of Warcraft developers Ion Hazzikostas and Graham Berger to talk about Dragonflight content.

Please feel free to keep the discussion going here, if you have any follow-up questions or comments on what was discussed.

Thank you!


Great to have the opportunity to to chat with Graham and Ion about Evokers and 10.1.5/10.1.7

On the topic of log hooks, my concern with leaving them as is is less so for the evoker than the other players. When playing with an Augmentation evoker your numbers on Details (and even logs due to some hooks not functioning) go up. As a player, you have 0 control over this aside from pressing your buttons the way you normally would. There is an argument for saving cooldowns to use in a breath of eons argument, just the same as PI, but regardless you’re still pressing your buttons and you have 0 control.

When you compare yourself to another player of your spec to improve your own gameplay it won’t be a perfect comparison because they had buffs from an Aug Evoker and you didn’t, or vice versa.

Yes, big numbers are fun, and from the perspective of the evoker it doesn’t bother me to see myself at the bottom because I know I’m still doing my part, but as a player, as fun as those numbers are to see - they aren’t because I’m playing better. theyre because I’m getting a buff that I have no interaction with or control over. And to me that doesn’t feel conducive.


Was fun to chat with everyone!

Looking forward what’s about to come :slight_smile:

Sadly we ran out of time so I just drop some of my question in here:

  1. Healing Role

The Healing role is very difficult to learn for new players as it works very differently than the other roles in the game.This is reflected in the general application for mythic+ and Raid content. Does 10.1.7 or the future hold anything for players who may have considered taking on the role but were still dreading it?

This could be f.e. UI or UX Improvement esp. since healer mostly then any other role are very depented on 3rd party solutions (Addons) - Particular Debuff placement on Player Frames isn’t very well handle in the default UI. It lacks settings like f.e. adjusting debuff size on frames.

  1. Tracking of Important Informations in the Default UI

Will we see in 10.1.7 or later any improvement to tracking group cooldowns in the default interface to make it more accessable to new players?

Particular for Mythic+ or Group Content you often rely on 3rd party weakauras to find out who has an interrupt or defensiv ready. This makes those kind of content pretty unfriendly for newer players as they may not know about the existence of such solutions.

Have a good weekend,

Yumuros - Thrall EU


Im not fully sure if this thread is purely for additional questions or not, so this post is going to be my main 10.1.5 feedback (with a few questions at the bottom)

Chromie time:
I haven’t gotten to play around with this tooo much yet, but it did allow collectors to grab 4 breadcrumb quests that have been unavailable to max lvl players since they were added in SL, only slight downside to these changes is that the “Adventueres wanted: chromies call” quests appear to still be on the old set of requirements as we cant accept them, and trying to share it lists “not eligible for that quest”

We didnt get a new quest achievement that has a count past 3000, however we did get an update to how the count is calculated, now excluding tracker quests from the achievement count, which makes the achievement make more sense tbh, however the count now seems to be a bit off, my main character has about 1500 count less than expected.

Secret part 1 (scholomance):
This is great, starting off with I wish it had been clarified that it wasn’t a bug that you could use the toy to summon Eva for those who didnt have the toy, as I spent 3 days anxiously waiting for every attempt to try to get the toy, so I could join in on the fun
After the Toy problem, the actual unlock was fantastic, really interesting secret,

The memory of scholomance itself is really good, as far as I know so far, we got back every recipe and transmog (except for the tier 0 dungeon items or so ive been told)
The only downside to it is it is missing all of its quests, It would be unreasonable to expect the vanilla quests back since they were too intertwined with the open world, but it would be really great if we could get the Post cataclysm quests,

This could probably be done fairly easily, I took a look around and from what I can tell, all objectives are back in game, all we need is the questgivers to spawn inside the entrance like they did in cataclsym, and to remove the Obsolete tag from the quests
In hopes this could happen Im providing a spoiler here with additional details

Re-Add Details there is probably some parts of this I cant see as a player, but here is what I can NPC questgivers: 45107, 45108, 45109, 45110 (just need to spawn, as they currently arent) Quests: 27140, 27142, 27143, 27145, 27146, 27147, 27148 (just need Obsolete tags removed)

Secret part 2 (Naxxramas):
The unlock for this was honestly just great, every part of it was neat or fun, the strathholme part was actually kinda difficult, but it made finally getting everything done in the 5 minutes quite satisfying,
The one bittersweet part of this second half of the secret is that it wasn’t the original naxx that the crystal sends you too, Its understandable due to the original one being over written instead of remade, it would be cool to see that at some point though :slight_smile:

Devs, if there is one thing Id ask you to keep in mind:
We would absolutely love more Memories with the original stuff intact like scholomance,
BRS, Ragefire, Scarlet Monastery, etc

-Are some quests being excluded from counting for the 3000 quest achievement, and now that we have updated criteria, any chance of getting an achievement past 3k?


My biggest question atm is about the rogue rework. Currently there seems to be two dates floating about, 10.1.7 and 10.2. If it is 10.1.7 can it be deployed to the PTR ASAP so the community has plenty of time to play the specs and give feedback before live deployment.

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With the release of the Fractures in Time patch, we made the update to quest tracking described here.

At this time, we’re not aware of any bugs with specific quests or kinds of quests that aren’t being counted as expected.

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