WoW coming to next gen consoles

A controller might make wintergrasp interesting. for a few minutes anyway.

Now you can mow down people on foot even easier while spamming catapult. For me its an odd layout to move all over and keep up the 2 attacks aiming catapult lobs anyway.

I’m not sure WoW is flexible enough for a console port.

I feel like this has been obvious for awhile and is probably a good thing.

That’s not actually relevant here, and you’re not Jason Schrier.

Let’s read this example here again and mull this over.

This was the claim. I made a claim that John Hight, Executive Producer & Vice President of Blizzard incase you don’t know, has said that in an eurogamer article.

And what does it say?.. Let’s read it together.

Blizzard is making a push with World of Warcraft controller support for upcoming expansion Shadowlands. But, as executive producer John Hight explained to me, this isn’t about fitting the game on a PlayStation or Xbox pad. It’s about broadening input options for players with disabilities.

“So what we’re doing,” John Hight told me, "is enabling a lot of the things required for our add-on community to build add-ons for controller support. And it isn’t just controllers: we’re looking at a number of different devices. But our focus was not to try and make WoW feel like a console game but rather for players with disabilities to have more accessible input devices.

“The first step for us was, ‘Hey, there’s a lot of signals these controllers - or these devices - use that people can’t get at easily so let’s first enable that,’ and we’re trying to work closely with some add-on builders to let them know it’s coming. We feel like what will happen is, as these devices come out - hopefully we’re going to see even more innovative devices so everybody can participate, not just in WoW but in the online community in general - that we’ve provided the sufficient hooks for them to be able to integrate with the game.”

And WoW community manager, Kaivax, also echoed the same thoughts on why the controllers are implement as John here.

Among the devices being looked at are the wonderful Xbox Adaptive Controller, WoW community manager Kaivax mentioned in April. “We always want to make WoW more widely accessible,” Kaivax said, “so in Shadowlands, we’re attempting to add some support for keybinds, camera, and turning a character on controllers such as the Xbox Adaptive Controller.”

And this article comes with a link to that post because it is getting that quote from somebody who isn’t being interviewed in this article for purposes of verification.

The rest of the article after the video, talks about a possibility of a console port. It talks about how they would love to see a console version of WoW here. However this line here says this…

Could the rapidly-approaching next generation of consoles - PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X - offer a solution? Consider Activision Blizzard successfully runs online games Destiny and Overwatch on console, and there’s always a glimmer of hope. WoW, however, was designed for PC and is a much bigger beast.

Now remember what i’ve said here?

Here is the thing with these 3 games. Overwatch is pretty much an FPS moba in terms of controls with heroes coming with weapons that can’t be changed.

I don’t know much about Destiny, but considering it started on the consoles, i would imagine it’s simple or intuitive enough to be controlled by a controller. A multiplayer first person shooter with very light RPG elements.

WoW is way more complicated then that, and yes, i’m even talking about retail.

Are these games doable with a controller? Absolutely. But two games are made with consoles or controllers in mind and one isn’t and even then, treats it as a minor feature.

Riveting tale chap.

I have a 22 button one

The thumbstick is great for .

Prance forward , Boogie Down , Sashay Left and Shimmy Right

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As long as they are segregated from the PC master race like how Overwatch is segregated.



PC and console versions of Blizzard Games are separate and do not share progress, nor allow for play on other platforms. PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and Playstation players all play in separate ecosystems.

On PC, your friends list will be populated by your Blizzard Account friends. On Xbox, you will be part of the Xbox Live network, on Nintendo your friends will be derived from the Nintendo network, and on Playstation your friends list will be derived from the Playstation Network.

If you wish to play on several platforms, the games must be purchased on each platform separately.

I now have no problem with Wow coming to next gen consoles :slight_smile:
Come console brethren, toss your monies into the pit for more wow development :heart_eyes_cat:

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Same here. I do like seeing games going to other platforms. Heck, it makes me giddy to find out 1 of my favorite city builders, Cities: Skylines went to consoles and it’s transition was mostly unscathed. :smiley:

Maybe WoW can turn out the same way. :slight_smile:

That’s the coolest game I’ve never played lol

I would sit and watch Biffa fixing peoples cities :+1:

A link so everyone else may enjoy as well

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And it becomes a 12/10 with Simcity 3000 and The Sims 1 music mods. :grin:

RIP Simcity. :cry:

Last time I played Simcity was 2000 and I think I rented it from the movie store back in the day lol

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They have already said that the work required to port it over to console pretty much precludes them from doing it.

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They also said they wouldn’t do anything about multiboxers. They also said they were going to take away flight. They also said we were getting a dance studio. They also said…

Since they released classic no one is going to hear this argument lol

There is a freaking world of difference between updating an older version of the game and rewriting it for a console game.

Will you be Blizzard’s crusader and attempt to explain that to the masses? :grimacing:

I know you think you’ve done something with that wall of text (which I’m not going to bother reading lmao) but I’m telling you what’s going to happen. My source hasn’t let be down yet.

Not to be that guy:

But a lot of you don’t understand what is meant by him burning his source. You’re basically asking him reveal who said it, which is burning the source. That’s essentially killing any form of journalism if you demanded them to reveal their sources. The government even has to go through a rigorous process in court to get a judge to compel a journalist to reveal their sources.

Having said that you can just dismiss the anonymous source here because Truecross isn’t a major media publication who’s reputation is what defines if a anonymous source should be trusted or not. It’s not like he’s the NYT, WSJ, or WAPO.

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