That is not what I am referencing.
Truecross kept up with the “best friends” bit to bait you and Orctang keeps baiting you, as well.
They are doing it purely out of entertainment, because they know you cannot stop replying.
That is not what I am referencing.
Truecross kept up with the “best friends” bit to bait you and Orctang keeps baiting you, as well.
They are doing it purely out of entertainment, because they know you cannot stop replying.
I said best friends because I was trying to diffuse the situation. Don’t try to twist it into something it’s notZ
Because it’s not a irrelevant question to the discussion. It’s an ad-hominum.
Yet you say this…
…And people call me the dense one, yet this comment misrepresents and ignores the context what i’ve said here and also say “context doesn’t matter”…
Nice job dodging my example for the 5th time.
Just keep beating me over the head with this ad-hom and just showing you’re purposefully ignoring anything i’ve said…
OP made a claim, people (before i came in) asked for them about the source, OP made excuses, throw ad-homs and didn’t provide source. Therefore, OP is lying.
I’ve provided the source in my example and the posts i talk about it, because i care about people checking up on me and seeing if it’s true or not.
It is relevant and you can’t prove it.
I will need some proof!
You want proof but can’t provide it!
Don’t take me out of context!
I mean look, fine, you think their trolls, okay sure. I don’t, because this just inadvertently excuses them and the lies they say and i don’t think anybody realizes that.
To me, calling them trolls and just leaving it at that is just burying my face in the sand. Especially when you consider how much of misinformation has spread in the video game industry and how hype culture has become largely ingrained and how metaphorical cults can be created from lies like that.
Metaphorical…cults… you need a break from YouTube
It’s really not, it’s just ad-hominum disguised as a question. Literally anybody can do that.
You can keep saying “it’s relevant” but it’s not relevant. It really doesn’t matter what’s the age of the people in a discussion. So why are you trying to make it matter?..
And you’re still lying about me.
Says the person who takes me out on context is now worried about me taking you out of context.
Metaphorical cults is not a YouTube exclusive thing.
I think what’s really bizarre with this thread since consoles are bought up is how similar is it to crazy console fanboys and their notoriety to exaggerate, lie, mislead people and so on.
How many addons are already being written to identify console players so we can not make the mistake of interacting with them in any way? xD
It is something that can be lied about and you are saying lies matter. So, I am going need some proof here.
Nope, I only stated you don’t need verification from forum posts.
This context thing is way out of context.
I don’t know. I think the only one who has dipped the kook-aid is uouy
So what are you going to do if this doesn’t come true then?
It’s possible that they wouldn’t have cross play enabled
Talk to my source
And how sure of you of this happening?
You are completely missing my point. I am not speaking of the b.s. that Truecross claims. That has been long ago covered in here.
I am speaking of these comments:
All of those explicitly exist to bait you to continue to post.
My concern is that you think you are doing a great service, when they are simply laughing at you. I have seen this same behavior from my brother’s colleagues when he gets very centered on something with work. They think it’s funny to continue to egg him on when tunnel visions and doesn’t realize what is happening.
I just don’t want you to fall into that trap. You deserve better.
95 percent. They’ve been slightly off a bit before. But that boils down to internal logistics and politics.
Why do you hate inside, secret information? It’s amazing. It makes all of us super special together.
Do you watch a movie and say, “Omg that’s not actually happening. There are sets, and trailers and yummy food service but we can’t see them. She’s not really sad even!!!”
I say, who knows. Maybe it’s a lie, or maybe sincere rumor but inaccurate. Maybe the real console ports are the friends we made along the way…
Yes. Defend the guy who has been obsessing, harassing, and trolling this thread. Good in you…
That’s nice. I own a PC, as do all of my compatriots here.
I should care why now? Should I fear the influx of console players? They aren’t any different than the people playing now.
Is this some weird console/PC jealousy thing? I used to run a video game store and you wouldn’t believe the arguments between customers, staff, or any combination of the two, about PC being better than console or vice-versa.
I got out of the business when PS2 and XBOX were the “main thing,” but I’ve heard it all. From PS2 vs. XBOX vs. PC all the way back to Genesis vs. SNES, moving further back to NES vs. Master System, even further to 2600 vs. Colecovision. My Commodore 64 is better than your Apple II.
So, again, hurray for your “inside track,” but to me this is hardly a breathtaking occurrence, even if it does come true. So we will have a larger player-base. OK.
(Also, I’ll just note, “Nostradamus” tricks only work on the duller tools in the box. If and when WoW does come to a console, that’s no proof at all that you have an “inside track.” It just means you guessed - with a plethora of indicators out there in the world - that something likely to eventually happen did indeed happen. Check this out: I have a source that tells me there will be a major earthquake in a largely populated area before the end of 2021. Maybe my source knows your source?)
He has harassed no one. So I cannot say “pot meet kettle.” You are the one who has done what you claim, though.