WoW Classic vs WoW Classic WotLK - Difference?

The answer is probably obvious and I’m just having a derp moment, but what is the difference between WoW Classic and WoW Classic WotLK? The way it’s being marketed makes it seem like two different things, but maybe that’s just my brain reading too much into it.

Thanks in advance for any help.

WoW Classic Era servers only go up to level 60 and don’t have any of the expansion content. (So, basically original WoW — although there have been some minor changes.) Most of the servers in Classic Era have been connected as the overall population still playing is fairly low.

Wrath Classic is the content that was in the game back during the Wrath expansion with the level cap of 80. (So, the original Vanilla and BC content is also still there mostly in tact.) Some fairly substantial changes have been made to end game gearing progression from the original Wrath.


Cool, thanks for the answer, Udiza!

This is the OP, didn’t realize when I was posting originally that it was using the wrong character.