WoW Classic Version 1.13.7 PTR is Now Available

No, it is not.

There is no timing that allows this to occur on the live realm. If there were, we would be doing it.

The only 2 twists that work in classic are

A damaging seal + SotC, because the haste snapshots at swing start and the damage happens later.

And SoC / SoJ for some added RNG stuns.
(The stun twisting still worked on the no batching ptr, but it was tight)

Neither of these had a large impact on dps

Cool, now add a delay to intercept stun so we can shadowstep it.


Can confirm Brimstone Staff now properly flaps! I’m one happy warlock.

I’d post a gif of the flapping in action but Blizz doesn’t allow me to?

Shhhh my smeet. Paladins deserve this after all the stuff the’ve been screwed on in classic


Seal twist is cool and all but it’s one of the faction imbalance contributors in tbc. So please make sure to allow both factions to have blood and vengeance when classic tbc comes out.

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so paladin snowflakes get to keep their obscure seal twisting schtick but rogues get a huge nerf to being able to vanish spells? ok

As it stand now, I can seal twist 2 different ranks of seal of command, this is clearly an oversite and should be addressed. Seal twisting effects Horde paladins more than alliance paladins in TBC, you are only increasing the gap between Horde and Alliance paladins by allowing twisting in the first place. Blizzard saw the error of there ways in WotLK, and gave both factions SoB and SoV. All that being said, we have no official statements on TBC in the future, this patch looks like the setup patch to TBC and the arena meta that follows. I implore that blizzard address the balance issue with Seals in TBC and give both factions equal seals. The #nochanges crowd needs to take a back seat on this, I want a TBC that is fun to play. Seal of Blood feels like a Ret-paladin spell and makes the class flow far better than RNG of command. Some changes are necessary to the health of the game, as we have seen in classic wow. This fun little paladin quirk widens the gap between the factions and furthers the need to balance the seals.

Please make sure rogues can still vanish spells.


How Seal twisting worked in TBC:
SoC>SoB = 1 SoB and SoC proc from white hit and 1 SoB proc from SoC proc for a total of 1 white hit, 2 SoB procs, and 1 SoC proc.
This worked with every seal except for SoR and the instant damage of SoVengeance which could only proc on the white hit.

How seal twisting works on classic live currently:
SoC>SoL = SoC proc fails to cast and SoL only gets one chance to hit.
SoL>SoC = SoL and SoC can proc off the white hit, but because SoC is active last you don’t get the second chance to proc SoL.
You can’t twist with SoR because it requires having the seal up last to work, similar to SoC currently.

How seal twisting works on the PTR:
Works very similarly to the way it was in TBC, just without the variable batching window. So it is easier to do.

There is a caveat however. It was discovered that different ranks of seals can be twisted together. This may have been a quality of seal twisting that people didn’t realize was there, or not. At this point only blizzard can confirm or deny the previous existence of such a thing with their “reference client.”

Hi Kaivax and Blizzard Team,

I really appreciate what Blizzard has tried to improve the classic world. I just have one request, which is keeping the vanilla world as is. Most of us players are here trying to relive their teenage time and what we want is the original vanilla wow.

As a druid healer, the most exciting trinket I have been waiting for the whole time is the Eye of the dead (more than Atiesh). It is the legendary trinket from the good old vanilla wow time. Please do NOT “fix” it.

Thank you!


It will just be much harder to do.

As if that was ever about skill.

It will become less common but not harder.

I generally don’t like you Ziryus. You seem like the type who always thinks his farts smell best and everyone else’s are nowhere close to yours. It will become difficult to do. Was vanishing a spell hard to do? No. But now rogues have 2.5% of the time the originally had to vanish a spell. So like I said earlier, it will be much harder to do.

Except they don’t because batching was always about RNG not skill.

So vanishing sapphs frost doesn’t take skill. Ok at this point I agree with that. But after the changes go in. Yes it probably will seeing you’ll have much less time to batch the spells.

Which is fine, it’ll work much more as it should and rogues won’t have an RNG try to avoid this.

This is a welcome change. I’m so tired of weird timings with priest/paladin bubbles and deaths.

has leeway been talked about? since youre getting rid of artificial lag via batching you should also aim to get rid of artificial lag via leeway as well.

You realize that leeway has existed since Vanilla and still exists on Shadowlands, right?

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really? they should stop doing it. its a bad idea. its pretty ridiculous how long peoples and mobs arms can grow.