Hey Blizzard support team,
I was playing on WoW Classic on US Doomhowl realm when at 20:57 Server Time, the game server lagged, and mass deaths started. I had my character (Furiousuncle, lvl 17) near the Crossroads, and then it showed that I had started to get hit by a plainstrider (lvl 11). I had never seen the mob that was attacking me. I immediately ran inside the Crossroads. I kept receiving the damage, so I started to click heal pot and target dummy. Nothing worked. I was watching my character die in the middle of the city.
As this is not my fault, not my disconnect, and it is clearly a Blizzard server issue, I would love to resurrect the character. Many people died on Doomhowl at the same time because of a server error. I had a perfect internet connection.
Attaching the screenshot from my death (middle of the city, no mobs nearby): https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ae375f41-1a09-4c8c-a96b-6db2c1756e40