WoW Classic US Doomhowl server bugs

Hey Blizzard support team,

I was playing on WoW Classic on US Doomhowl realm when at 20:57 Server Time, the game server lagged, and mass deaths started. I had my character (Furiousuncle, lvl 17) near the Crossroads, and then it showed that I had started to get hit by a plainstrider (lvl 11). I had never seen the mob that was attacking me. I immediately ran inside the Crossroads. I kept receiving the damage, so I started to click heal pot and target dummy. Nothing worked. I was watching my character die in the middle of the city.

As this is not my fault, not my disconnect, and it is clearly a Blizzard server issue, I would love to resurrect the character. Many people died on Doomhowl at the same time because of a server error. I had a perfect internet connection.

Attaching the screenshot from my death (middle of the city, no mobs nearby):


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I also had a lvl 49 character die at the same time! this is crazy! I cant believe you even got the death log. I got completely booted from the server and after 3-4 minutes of attempting to log in, i was greeted at the character selection screen with a ghost for my lvl 49. This has to be fixed. I’ve got no choice but to cancel all 3 of my accounts if this is the way things are going…

My 53 Mage dead aswell

My level 10 warrior Orgrimmaster also died to server issues on Doomhowl. Please reinstate my character or I wont be renewing my wow subscription.

40 priest down. Very obviously a server issue. Please rollback.

Same here,

Same here 29 Druid gone guess its time for a new game