WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns

I mean its possible if they do a global release, Dragonflight launch was on a Monday.

That or its on 1/17 and the buff goes away on 1/17 with reset.

Am happy!!

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Intended pace? You mean easily out leveling zones before you even finish half the quest lines?

Yeah that’s not intended as anything other than a means to filter people to end game faster.

RDF on the other hand is just a tool that let’s you reasonably mijx in dungeons. Which doesn’t speed the leveling up it just adds some flavor to it.


Yay, now i’ll actually lvl my DK to 80 haha.

Most of the content launches for classic have been on a Thursday.

I’m not saying it’s not possible it just seems unlikely

Make it permanent. games dying at lightning speed anyways. Yall already doinked PVP up so bad nobody is doing arena.


If it was permanent I might resub


As I replied to someone else…

“Intended” modifies the phrase “level character in the world”, not “decent pace” grammatically.

I did not say that the increased speed is the intended pace.

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"The Joyous Journey’s experience buff will be available from December 13 through January "16, 2023.

So gunna take a wild guess here and say P2 is dropping Jan 17th considering the buff ends on the 16th ( a Monday) and content releases are generally a Tuesday.

But the increased pace is the only result and hence the intended pace.

darn it, can these guys read my mind or something. I was literally going to unsub today but now I am not so sure.


The funny thing here is “allows us to level characters in the world” so instead of more people grouping for content/dungeons it’s just single player questing.


This is great just PLEASE PLEASE do NOT bring back the stupid Random Dung Finder. It ruined WoW. I like it just the way it is now.


Good change, thanks Blizzard.

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I JUST boosted my mage! Rawr!
Happy to see it back though.
But, Rawr!

not on a balanced pvp server :wink:

Imagine disliking a game so much you can’t even play it as it was intended and can only play it when you can literally avoid as much of it as possible.

All these “I’ll resub for this” or “I was about to unsub” yokels are actually the worst.


Skyfury is pretty balanced, not 50/50 but still “roughly” balanced, and old world is dead.