WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns

This right here is exactly why they should have kept jj out of the game. Players are greedy and never satisified.

Im sure come january 16th these forums will be full of complaints that the buff is gone again.


now let’s not be hasty

100% is the common xp buff in every mmo. 50% is a joke. I have full heirlooms and its not even noticable. Literally like 30-60 more xp per kill. That hasnt been enough to ‘rocket’ me out of vanilla content at all. I think youre just being a sensationalist trying to gatekeep peoples play experience

Wow classic isnt a common mmo. 50% extra xp allows you to go from 1 to 9 in the starting zone. You want 100% exp create a character run it to town for a inn. Keep it there for 2 weeks and then lvl it.

Wow leveling isnt hard its just people are lazy and entitled. With jj from 70 to 80 u will only need borean or the other starting zone especially if the character has rested exp. I got this toon from 70 to 74 just in borean on rested exp added with a couple dungeons.

stopped reading here. go away troll

Could we get a blue post that explains how Joyous Journeys stacks or does not stack with other effects that increase experience gains, such as the bonuses on heirloom gear and the bonus from killing monsters while rested?

Truth hurts.

Your suggestion to “improve the game” is to take bits out of it, which is exactly why Retail is bad.

10 characters? Get back to me when you are levelling 24 characters and are quite happy about it.

“Just don’t use it,” you say?

Well, if it is going to be permanent - I like to play the AH and as a result have lots of gold. My suggestion to improve the game is to make all raid epic gear available from vendors for 10000 gold each. It would be cool to have that game, and I find going to raids for the tenth time boring. People who don’t want to get epics this way can just not use it. This is my “suggestion to improve the game” to counter your one. While we’re at it lets institute the same thing for PVP and Arena gear.

Or - we could realise that gaining levels is just one of those other grindy things like honour, repeating the same boss kills, that rewards us with progress and gives us stuff to do in an MMO which, by its nature, is repetitive.

Really? That’s the bit where I thought, “damn right!”

uhhh why is this on retail wow forums? there’s a dedicated classic wow forums
they would all see it. Also 50% xp buff ruins “classic” experience, does it not?

Extend this to low pop realms like Eranikus but do if for the faction that’s imbalanced, please and thank you.


Joyous journeys has made the leveling experience so much more enjoyable for casual and new players. WOW has to live by attracting new players, so I encourage extending this buff even further.

The argument of ruining the “classic experience” is fundamentally pointless, you can turn it of if u want, don’t use your archaic ideology of “MMOs should be unnecessarily grindy” to ruin the fun of fresh players. Moreover, classic wrath in many ways is incredibly fun and accessible due to its difference to retail wow (for instance you don’t have to spend 50 bucks to buy the game), causing A LOT of new players and alt-enjoyers to want to enjoy classic wrath. Stop pushing them to retail just because your opinion deems it necessary that leveling should always be stale and dragged out! The ability to skip quests with pain-staking drop rates which only gets magnified when playing in a group of 3-5 (since quest drops aren’t shared) is such a blessing. Yes, you can’t finish all of a region’s quest, BUT NOT ALL OF A REGION’S QUEST IS ENJOYABLE! In summary, many players just want to play a MMO they like, and that MMO is wrath of the lich king with joyous journeys. Quit using elitist ideology to deny normal people from having fun.

I see virtually only positives with keeping joyous journeys, and perhaps even more positives if later levels such as 60+ gets additional boosts. So please blizzard, extend the buff, preferably indefinitely.


replying to this so I can remember how dumb people can be

Add this to retail - permanently.

Petition: Please extend JJ for some more time. It just makes lvling much more enjoyable, please consider. Thanks, love your game.


Most people I’ve read and spoken to in game really enjoy it and is what has them hooked. For the people that don’t like it it can be deactivated and reactivated at will.


Is it too early to say #BringBackJoyousJourney ?


The thing is we did not have Joyous Journeys buff on the original release of WotLK. You should feel blessed that they even gave it to us in the first place.

Blizzard, please bring back Joyous Journeys! I re-subscribed directly because of this as I can’t play consistently. It’s a REALLY GREAT THING, and taking it away is like something the government would do–don’t be That guy!!!

Please, bring this back!


Maaam just leave JJ on permanently. Its better than adding RDF and people just being in instances 85%+ of the time while leveling verses actual utilization of the world and inadvertently causing meaning, memorable player interaction. I don’t see a problem with JJ from 1-70. It will further incentivize replayability for those who enjoy alts but would like a lesser grind to get to end game content