WoW Classic Testing Access as of May 22

Let’s just give beta invites to streamers and well known people early and not the ones who have spent $3000 on your products/services for the last 14 years. Unbelievable.

That’s just silly. Why would you want to?

To play and NOT report bugs

The wait till it comes out in August like the rest of us!!

The rage about not getting a BETA invite is so amusing. It IS A BETA!!! who cares who gets invited. They are conducting a beta how its supposed to be done. Not like today where you pay to get early access for a crap game that is not ready for release. Hoping this is a return to form for beta tests in the gaming market.

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This isnt a return bro.
This is a mockery of beta testing.

Today you don’t pay to get it.

You GET paid to be in.

Ok so you have one person get in and they do the following:

  1. Get Hype for your game.
  2. And most important: without crashing the servers you have 1,000’s if not hundreds of thousands of eyes on the game. This leads to more bugs getting spotted.

And please dont tell me streamers dont report bugs. I watch at least 10 to 15 of the top streamers and they report bugs. Even Asmongold reports on actual bugs.

and lastly ITS A FREAKING BETA!!! they owe you nothing. If they were taking your money and denying you access into the actual release of classic then you would have a leg to stand on.

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That’s BS bro.

That’s all I’m gonna say.

I appreciate that you and many others are so passionate that you get angry when you can not play the game before it is released. But passion is an emotion. If you think logically about it and take the emotion out of it. You would understand that the way they are doing this beta may just be the best thing for us all to enjoy a good release of the game.

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It’s the worse beta test I have seen since 2003.

That is just so hyperbolic… How is it the worst beta? It is a beta? What do you expect from a beta? I really would love to know how it is a bad beta.

I am sorry. That statement is just ridiculous. There is literally nothing to call it worse than.

Let me help.
A company is testing a product, before they can release it for public purchase. You would like to test the product. You are not selected to test that product. The product then releases at a later date in good form for your consumption. How id that company make its “testing” the worse “testing” of all “testing.”

Lastly you could not say it is the worst until the final product comes out. IF that final product is a bad product then you could say that the “testing” was poor.

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‘I agree with puntingnomes.’ I do, but I also wanted to type that sentence. ‘Elibourne’ just doesn’t understand the role of a beta much less his role in it.

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Ya know I’ll let idiocy pass me over ?

I would like to add however.

I tested the original game in 2003.

Since then I alpha and beta tested almost every expansion since.

So go play your little game.

Until Blizzard decides to actually test their game again it will be a bug-filled piece of garbage like it is now.

I’m quit sure you will reply with bla bla bla.

You literally provided no evidence for your stance.
You are just throwing a statement out into the ether with no evidence to back it up.
Having tested one game back in 2003 does not give you the qualification of knowing what a good beta is.

Lastly In 2003 as you claim to have been in testing. That was family and friends alpha. So if you were family and friends then I doubt you would not be in testing now. But good try to tell lies to justify your hyperbolic claims.

Game set match sir!

That’s funny…


Here…I’ll throw you a bone m’k ?

Remember when ammo pouches and quivers were a little bag dangling off the top of your action bar ?

Good Times.

No I dont b/c I came into WoW in BC.

I dont make the “claim” to have been in classic or in beta.
Which now you will talk about how that flaws my logic somehow. Which would make no sense in the realm of knowing what a good beta is.

But you still did not explain how you were in the friends and family alpha in 2003 and not in the beta currently haha. You can avoid that subject and search things on the internet.

You are the one that said I was in the “friends and family” alpha. Not me.

I worked with Microsoft and Blizzard to get to 64-bit. Had nothing to do with friends or family.

Yes because 2003 was friends and family only!!! Hahaha Beta did not release until Feb 2004.

So you see how logic works. If you were in “beta in 2003.” Since it was friends and family only alpha. Then by logic you must be claiming to be in friends and family only alpha. Since the beta was not released until 04…

Follow the LOGIC?

They did have a Beta that wasn’t just for friends and family. My boyfriend was in it. And no he’s not lieing to me, we were together back then and i saw it with my own two eyes. However I’m not sure of the year. So maybe that person was thinking of the same Beta. Take a chill! Memories aren’t always 100% accurate.