Wow classic, subscription only or game time?

I can’t find anywhere to clarify if you need a active Subscription to wow to access Wow Classic or do you just need game time on your account?

On most websites it says you need a Subscription but on the link below on the wow website it says: Players with an active subscription or game time on their account will be able to create up to three characters per World of Warcraft account.

If someone can clarify for me, I would be most happy.
Thanks for your time.

Active account means gametime

You are a “subscriber” as long as you have game time on the account, regardless of how/why you have that game time. There aren’t two different “account types” based on whether you have a recurring subscription enabled or whether you buy game time manually.

Basically, in any situation you have previously been able to play Retail WoW – you’ll be able to play Classic WoW.

As long as you have applied game time to your account through whatever means, you have an active account and can play Classic.

so I wont need to buy the latest retail of wow I just need game time? I think thats maybe what he might of been trying to ask.

No, you don’t need to buy the latest expansion. All that’s needed is for you to have an active subscription and you are given access to both Classic and retail up to Legion content with the one subscription.

They changed it a while back where the game no longer has to be bought and new players can jump right into the game and play up to 110 (up to Legion content) with a subscription. If you want to play the latest expansion, you would need to buy that. Keep in mind that when the next expansion comes out, Battle for Azeroth will more than likely then be added for free to your base game without having to buy it.

You definitely don’t need BfA, and you don’t have to “buy” anything up to and including Legion any more. Just apply game time to your account.