WoW Classic Stress Test on May 29

the problem with the thought that having issues during stress test will be useful so problems do not occur during launch is august, is flawed logic. Blizzard has a proven track record of having many issues during beta and getting ample feedback and data, and still failing to fixes the issues before launch


the developers don’t monitor the forums. customer support isn’t getting stressed out from any of our comments

Exactly, although the Blizz team is more likely looking at raw data than forum comments I figure the best way to be helpful is provide information on what you’re seeing at what time to give them a better idea of what’s happening client side.

2:37PM Pacific Time: Hangs on “Logging into game server”


This is super correct, and honestly, after last week and this, I’m super not-comfortable with how all of this is going to go.

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Yeah, I’m pretty familiar with how this works. I’m mostly screwing around now because I’m, again, pretty bored. There’s a reason I am trying to play Classic instead of current.

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I think you misspelled “nothing will be available”


Everyone above - above of negative nancies. Welcome to Classic.

What failure? Breaking the server under instrumented conditions is the point of a stress test.


blizzard needs to focus the stress on one server in order to run proper tests. if they released 55 servers or so like they will do when the game goes live, they won’t be able to gather the appropriate data to make sure login issues don’t happen when it actually goes live. when wow classic is live there isn’t going to be only one or two servers…there will be a lot. this is how troubleshooting works…


I’ve been stuck on the same loading screen for nine minutes now, do I keep letting it sit or just close it out and try again…

The real warsong gulch is logging in to game server

I was logged into my level 5 for a bit, got DCed trying to take a boat, back into the server now but my level 5 is now missing from character select and I can’t make a new one :frowning:

Login to the stress test realm works now, but the background is black.

Cannot create any character.

Except they gave us this EXTRA stress test because no one could connect to the LAST stress test lol, I’m not salty it’s just funny.

they going to give us an extra extra stress test after this one?


Let the login screen do its thing. If it boots you out, try logging in again. If they really don’t want us doing this, they’ll find a way to stop us. So just go along with the charade for now.

get some extra hamsters for the server

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But dude, they’re not getting the “appropriate data” now! Their whole published reason for doing this was to see how the servers would handle the load of huge amounts of players in the starting zones. That’s not happening, because nobody can get in the game.

Stop making up excuses. They failed at it last week, and they clearly learned nothing going into this test.


WSG at lvl 10 will be hillarious!


How is this stress test even worse than the first one? It’s earlier in the day, so there should be fewer people able to log in due to work / school, and ideally improvements should have been made.

I get that it’s a stress test so the experience is supposed to be bad, but nothing is even being tested right now. You can test a login server internally. They don’t need actual players to sit in front of their computers for hours spamming login. That doesn’t provide any useful data.

5:41 pm Est still stuck in character creation. Haven’t got DC’d from it yet though.