Was able to pick server than timed out. No error message though. Screen grabbing incase they need actual feedback/time stamps. Total Dc count: 4
I love how the streamers are mad, you know cause they only get 2 hours to play beta right ?
Looks like the stress test is actually on the authentication server. I haven’t seen the actual game server yet.
This log in screen makes me no longer want to vouch for “No Changes”.
0 for 3. This time I made it to the server list (the one PvP realm), clicked on it, and was ported back to the login screen, this time with no disconnect message. Queue length for attempt #4 is 2,958. I’m going to keep at it. Sad part is I login using the desktop application as I don’t like using my authenticator on the login screen over and over, so each time I get disconnected I have to exit altogether and restart the game from desktop application.
going in for 7th try get to server list . yes maybe… then … nope dc
After being d/ced 5 times once id gotten to the server selection screen and tried to log in, now im being told the server pop is locked.
So, who’s going to claim World First on the Stress Test Boss?
I’ve gotten as far as the character creation screen, made my toon and the creation timed out 5 times before DCing me.
I have passed the 1k+ Que 3 times and each time has been a disconnect. Will keep trying though!
I mean, it isn’t like they’ve had a whole week before this and have a few months after this to play Vanilla, right?
Position 2373!
20 minutes gone from a 120 minute window and I still can’t get in.
Reminds me of the good ole days when I only had an hour or two of free time to play and the server would crash
Went from trying to find server to found server - pop low (DC), to pop high (DC), to pop locked (DC). The wait time does remind me of the early days though.
Still on character creation screen. Spamming the accept button only to get a “character creation timed out” message
only if your a streamer you know the ones getting mad
Lol 4 or 5 DCs and then server is locked.
We said we wanted it ‘warts and all’ but you guys are taking this too far.
Tells me Realm is offline. Womp womp.
Stress Test is a No-Go for passing server list so far:sweat_smile: still super excited when it does go live
Got as far as realm selection: Population locked. And then DC