WoW Classic Server Tier List

  • This list is not based on population imbalances, but rather what server has the best players going down the list to the servers that have worse players. Please do not get offended as this is solely based on my personal experiences in PvP / Warcraft Log Parses. PVE SERVERS NOT INCLUDED. Sorry, but to me, you’re not playing the real game and are not worthy of a spot on this list, as you would all just be placed at the very bottom anyway based on what I’ve seen.
    S TIER - Herod, Skeram, Sulfuras, Stalagg
    A TIER - Faerlina, Benediction, Earthfury
    B TIER - Whitemane, Bigglesworth, Netherwind
    C TIER - Kirtonos, Incendius
    D TIER - Smolderweb, Kromcrush, Fairbanks, Heartsteeker, Deviate Delight, Blaumeux, Rattlegore, Thunderfury, Kurinnaxx, Arugal, Yojamba
    F TIER - Grobbulus, Anathema, Thalnos, Loatheb, Felstriker, Arcanite Reaper, Sul’thraze

I made this list not only because I was bored, but to help any new players that are unsure on what server they wish to roll on, or for players that are interested in transferring to a different server. I am not here to debate, as I believe this list is nearly spot on except for maybe 1-2 mishaps that may belong 1 tier up/down.


And yet, I see both Stalagg and Heartseeker there. Weird that.


I agree with this list… Well done.

Kromcrush isn’t D tier :cry::cry::cry:

Skeram should be F tier :slight_smile:


Lol, this is such a troll thread.


Does the “S” in “S Tier” stand for “Sh1t”?


Says the guy posting from a retail toon. Sorry but you are not playing the real game, and therefore have an opinion that doesn’t matter.


OP probly plays on that server LOL, why he put it S tier.

Don’t you get sick of trying to tell a world of internet strangers how great you are at a video game?


You were saying?


Stalagg in S tier is only because I’m here. FLEX


I’m assuming Skeram is on the tier S because there’s a lot of really good horde guilds there. (Obviously since there’s 10 alliance on entire server)
It’s S-Tier for Horde.

This is just his personal opinion though whatever his reasoning is.

We just found out that S tier means :poop:


I feel like Grobb was placed as accurate as possible

Thanks for the resume, we’ll keep it on file.

Your list is wrong. Whitemane is meme tier.

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PvP doesn’t make this game. Bugger off, fool.


Arcanite Reaper my old server f for sure :frowning:

Yeah but he said he doesn’t include pve servers. Skeram is a pve server.

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