WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

Ah I figured it put. They HAD to go back and change the pictures to fruit How could we be so blind


Yea pretty unfortunate. Might level 1 char to level 10 for the lols, but I expect templates to be available after week 1 or 2.

I was hoping for stuff to make it seem like classic+ not just classic but with more mobs and 30% more EXP.

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Agreed, also its only 25% more.

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We need dual spec and dungeon finder but too many sweaty nerds who live on unemployment would quit and spend their moms credit card on e-thots instead of blizz, and we all know how much blizz hates women.

Go be cringe somewhere else

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I do like the removal of debuff limits though. Seems like itā€™ll be great for more dot classes instead of shadow bolt spam

Iā€™d laugh so hard if duel speck was in there

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Hey at least I am actually providing value to my family and society instead of living off the government teet like the rest of you. To think the lot of you are upset because Blizzard is a bit late getting a beta onlineā€¦ sheesh.

I wouldnā€™t mind the BC style LFG system. No automated grouping, I feel in BC its come quite in handy.

Thats cuz ur a sweatlord, thats why u rolled druid.

Bro why are you so aggressive. Ever think that some people were just off today or maybe live in a different time zone

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what time zone would they be living in? ASIA?

Making a lot of assumptions there bud. Like is everyone supposed to be in your time zone, working the same hours you work? Is night shift not a thing? Or part time? Or days off? Or school?

Donā€™t hate on wellfare systems, they are a good for society.

gimmi muh ramenz hommmie

or have a job that they can play games at?

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Good point

absolutely not. people will never learn. get LFG bulletin board. solved your problem

Not gonna lie having to actually look for people actively was kinda fun. Annoying sometimes but still had its charm

Nope they are not.