WoW Classic Realms Listed By Data Center (Updated 8/31/19)

Correct, Stonegrave.

Sydney is only the capital of the state of New South Wales.

Not according to the stress test on the weekend. There was a whole bunch of all discussing ping’s etc, we worked out the guys with 1ms ping’s were all in Blacktown, which also correlates to Telstra’s ISP hardware location in Sydney.

Done a traceroute to it? I ask because a traceroute for me goes through Kent Street in Sydney, and then bounces into Equinix.

I’d think it wouldn’t be transiting through Equinix, and this ties into my testing from a while back when I lived a couple suburbs away from Equinix.

They need an east coast RP-PVP server.


I find this an absolute pain in the butt, It has done nothing but increase queue times for our realms, I can log into US realms during OCE peak times and get much faster queues… or allow OCE players to opt out of said priority system if we wish.
Just now my friend in on Nagrand queued for the latest raid and queue times are very long still.

I suspect the Sydney realms are probably going to be moved at same stage given the IP range they are currently connecting to isn’t the usual Oceanic one.

That and I’m getting a higher latency while connected to them that I do when connected to the retail oceanic ones (tested using resmon.exe)

Unless of course they decide to have a new data center just for Classic Oceanic players :slight_smile:

I get routed through Equinix after coming out of Japan before hitting the data center. (this is from the US) [] [] (This is the data center’s IP)

Interesting, it seems that the Oceanic servers aren’t hosted in the same physical location (or at least on a different cluster) as the Retail servers yet are still hosted by the same company. I wonder what’s up with that.

Is there a blue post somewhere with this xrealm confirmed stuff at what phase?

This is a gut punch if true. How did I miss this…

He says it will drop with Phase 3.


(ty for link)

added stalagg’s IP/datacenter location

If you mean an East Coast data center that Blizzard uses then I believe you are correct. If not, as someone who works in data centers for a living, there are many many data centers on the East Coast. Chicago though has a very large collection of data centers though which I believe has something to do with protecting them from natural disasters. Same reason we have so many disaster recovery sites out here near Denver.

Good work on the post! I like folks who are there for the community and those who try and help in any way possible.

That being said: <Realm Discord Servers for NA/EU/OCE> ✨

New York and Phoenix use to have data centers, if I recall correctly, but all that was moved to Texas then Chicago a long time ago. It might have been for NDP or cost but I don’t remember blizzard ever giving a specific reason.

there is a blue post covering this ya know

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How big are these datacenters? Do they need to rent out an entire floor of an office building and fill it up with servers? Or do they all fit in one room?

Normally the buildings are contracted out by a third party or set up specifically by the company and then get a pipe to the backbone.

As for physical size of the building - it will vary. I don’t know the square footage or anything but knowing the amount of servers it’s probably quite substantial.

To be clear, those IP addresses are the public addresses at the firewall of the data center, which have ICMP enabled, unlike the servers. They are wildly different from the server addresses because the external trace points are on a different network. Tracing to the actual server will fail to resolve or respond for the last handful of jumps because they are behind the Blizzard firewall. All addresses resolve to California in GeoIP databases because of this.

The server contact addresses are fixed and only ever changed during realm maintenance if required which hasn’t happened in years, for Retail. They’re included in the data file downloaded from the realm-list server. The Wiki only lists one, but each server actually has 4, two IPv4 and two IPv6 addresses, that are directly assigned to that server through their internal NAT/DNS.

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added Skeram to Chicago and Blaumeux to the LA Datacenter listing.

u are asking for a DDoS to happen on release aren’t u