Guys and gals, give them time to address the server situation. By Sunday, ya’ll will have your new servers. And “by Sunday” I mean, either tomorrow, Saturday, or Sunday morning. They know people that played Vanilla are 15 years older now. We have careers, families, and responsibilities. Why release new servers on days when people are most likely working? Let them release on the weekend when people can transfer with their guilds and such. No need to keep griping over things they already know about. Blizzard knows what they’re doing. Have some faith.
@Vlad If that’s indeed the plan, then they should announce it now to give people time to coordinate.
@Maely: I’m sure they will. Give them time. This isn’t just some mobile game with patchwork code. They can spend the week getting tweaks down and the weekend worrying about servers when the majority of the player base will be available to coordinate.
No they won’t. When they brought up Stalaag 3 days after it was first needed they gave 1 hour lead time. When that happened some large guilds flat out stated that if they had 24 hrs notice ahead of the server coming up they would have moved and the next time if they have that 24 hr notice they would move. So what does Blizz do? Give 6 hours of notice. So unless you are retired like me and can spend hours on the forum then you can easily miss a new server coming up.
Okay, so if they bring them up on Sunday and tell you about it on Friday, You can stop your crying, correct?
Did I miss something about more new servers? Or is this regarding Skeram and Blaumeux?
in regards to Sker/Blau.
My thought is, tomorrow or Saturday they will announce new servers that will be brought up on Sunday, which gives people time to plan guild migrations.
It’s just that a bunch of a children play this game and think their whining is going to get them new servers.
None of this actually effects me or the people I’m playing with. We are not trying to race to 60, we are not planning on Raiding at all. What we are playing Classic for is the open world PvP and the BG’s when they go in so making a complete disaster at launch won’t effect us. So I haven’t been crying, I just corrected you head in the sand fanboism
if none of this pertains to you, why are you here complaining about the “lack of notice” they gave you? Sorry kiddo, gotta come up with something a bit more logical than “HUE HUE HUE, doesn’t effect me.”
I wasn’t complaining sonny boy. You stated Blizzard gives plenty of notice when they bring up new servers for Classic, I showed that was false. Presenting facts is not complaining, now run along kid and get off my lawn.
Has a Low Population and I hope it fills evenly with the Horde and Alliance and NO TOURISTS!
Why isn’t Bigglesworth on the server list?
Make Skeram an Eastern Time RP-PVP!
It’s Medium now.
7 full, 3 high and 4 medium servers on NA. Glad they added more.! CLASSIC here we come!
Oh my god! Kaivax Thank you! For once PVE has some good Realm Names!
Westfall, here I come.
Later, Pagle. It’s not you, it’s me. We’ll grow from this.
Not enough servers lol.
Just checked NA servers. Currently only 1 is medium, 3 are high and the rest are FULL! Can’t wait! Just like the good 'ol days! There will actually be peeps to play WoW with!
I feel that, I made my toons on Mankrik and then a day later on icy-veins I saw Blizz already updated it to full. Its good to see it. Even with the q times at least we know the communities so far are going to be populated and active.
How did you come up with that answer? The game hasn’t opened yet and multiple new servers are already being spoken of and released as well as additional ones being released today. The amount of players has totally taken them by surprise. Was over 10k in Q just on Herod…