WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

Do you know what happens on launch day when you have a set few server options and then when load is high you open a few more?

The people can choose to be a loser who didn’t get into the cool top server or a turd who settles for less on a 2nd rate server. Zeth kur anyone?

Eloraell, please don’t respond to me. You are a shill. A white knight. You cannot respond negatively to anything or honestly it seems. You are simply here for PR and trying to be a green poster or something. I have no interest in your bias and false commentary.

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Wow, some people. Where do ppl think Chicago is located, stop crying…btw the cst servers were always in Chicago.

if you want world pvp go to Grobbulus

here is Grobbulus discord


Grobbulus is where da wpvp be.


So what was your solution?

Pagle for sure!


Blizzard. Please. If you add in 1 more PST PvP server and 2 CST PvP servers before Monday. Your issues will be solved from the community. People are not happy in all the discords I’m in.

Whitemane it is :smiling_imp:

The Dwarves will be there.

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Why can’t I even find the reservation options? All I see are posts that you can do it… not where x.x

Names are weird, numbers are low and choices are weird, whatever.

Thanks for the list, Kaivax!

Thorner is that you?

Did you read any of the reservation posts that say you can’t do it until Monday? (Tuesday in NZ)

A second RP-PvP server is warranted (CST instead of PST). Really… really… really don’t get why they went with a PST location.

Because originally there were 2 RP servers slated, and RP-PVP yelled loud enough so they changed one RP to RP-PVP. (supposition, but very likely)

It’s somewhat amusing watching people complain that there’s only one RP-PVP server, when everyone was begging for month “Just one would be enough”.

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omg… I should really look at the date before I post things -.-

Bloodsail Buccaneers? Who the hell came up with these realm names?

But I guess that’s the one I’ll be stuck with for RP. Better than nothing, but really? All these names are pretty meh or worse.

Chris Metzen, 20 years ago.

It’s causing a divide in my discord as we speak. Really wanted east coast rppvp.

Now I don’t know what to do. They should have at least made it all central then.

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The current RP-PvP servers are all CST realms out of Chicago, so it would make sense that the RP-PvP server for WoW: Classic would be there, too.

and? That’s how it should be.