Except for the fact you can layer hop to avoid pvp…
No because you don’t know which data center they will be connected to.
Either LA or Chicago
Wouldn’t the east coast ones be Shi town and pacific be LA?
So can you ping the datacenters?
Esfand said on stream this includes Asmon
We know the time zones but tell us where each server is hosted. PING IS MORE RELEVANT TO ME THAN TIMEZONE THANK YOU!!
Meh, who cares.
They could call the servers Herpes, Chlamydia, Crabs, Anal Warts and Syphilis and I wouldn’t care.
Why are you alliance so fragile and superficial?
Mankrik it is
I’ll add my request that others have made above: Where will the servers be physically located? I think that matters more than timezone.
Ready for the next round of realms.
Not until we know the IP addresses of the servers (which will reveal data centers anyway).
Who cares? Every guild raids at different times on every server anyway. Some of you really just love to cry about nothing.
I REALLY think we are going to need more servers than this.
Especially another RP-PvP server. Having only 1 and it being in pacific timezone its pretty frustrating for people living on the East Coast of the US.
You made up a completely wrong statement, and now you’re crying when people pointed out your mistake…
M is the 13th letter of the alphabet.
More starts with m.
We need more servers.
Specifically an RPPVP EST server please and a PST RP server. Thanks.
Yes, that would be nice to have an Eastern RPPVP.
Not the best choice of names on Bizzards part. That’s going to be horde heavy.
1 pvp realm for oce is bad. Sure it’s a smaller region but if you wanted to play both horde and alliance on a oce pvp server now you have to pay for 2 accounts to do it.
lol that made me laugh
so disappointed no CST servers i hate being on EST /qq
Especially since they can’t find its companion Realm, Mankrik’s Wife.