WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

PVP players probably care to watch ms more than others, i’m guessing

Honestly, even with layering at the start, this seems like too few servers. I was thinking we’d get at least 20.

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I think it may be the 'Classic will overshadow retail!!1one!!" crowd.

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pretty disappointing on the whole really blizzard… real dissapointing

Actually if they’re using AWS, east is virginia and ohio.

west is oregon and n. california.

no /10char

WoW Blizzard has very little faith that people will be playing Classic long term.

I’ll say for sure on probably Tuesday after we ping them all, but it’s a good bet. The old mashup of locations was due to the moved data centers, so unless they decide to put all thirteen servers in LA… it’s the sensible breakup.

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Sucks that there is no central time server =(. either offset by 2 hours or 1 hour, will be a headache for raid times nonetheless.

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How can anyone be proud of their server with cooked names like those…

To come from blackrock and frostmourne to Arugal is lame. Others got shafted harder.

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Think we’ll get realm forums before launch?

No Jablinski server ? I’m out

WTB at least 2 pvp servers per region (2 pst, 2 cst, 2 est).

If you won’t add in cst (cause only 2 centers) then at least bump the pvp servers to 4 pst and 4 est… cmonnnnnnnnnn.

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You believe that Blizzard is going to contract a new data center specifically for Classic? That’s deluded, my friend. The servers WILL be Los Angeles and Chicago. Mark my words. I’d gladly stake a bet on it.

Ha ha no [10 chars]

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Very much this.

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Just need the streamers to announce where they’re posting up now so I may avoid them and their insipid antics.


Streamers will not be rolling on the following two pvp realms.

/r/ThalnosClassic/ east coast pvp

/r/FairBanksClassic west coast pvp


These names are awful imo. It would have been great if there were a pool of names and let us vote and have majority win.


Is there a way to Ping the server locations?