WOW Classic Random mount macro

I’ve been trying to figure out a way to create a macro that randomly selects a mount to use in classic. Unfortunatly the commands /userandom and /castrandom dont exist in classic. I have done some digging and the only way i think it could be done is through LUA or some fancy macro stuff both of which i’m not smart enough for. so i come to you people, any ideas? any help would be appreciated.

My classic character is still slogging on foot, but does this work:

/run UseItemByName("Mount Name")

(This isn’t random but a proof of concept that the call is not protected.)

I know CastSpellByName(“Mount Name”) works in retail, and some items we can UseItemByName such as Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat; so it’s not far-fetched that UseItemByName might work with classic mounts.

Nope, unfortunatly i get “A macro script has been blocked from an action only available to the blizzard UI”

That’s unfortunate. This is a macro to use a random item out of combat:

/run local f=RnM or CreateFrame("Button","RnM",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate") if not InCombatLockdown() then f:SetAttribute("type","item") f:SetAttribute("item",GetRandomArgument("Mount 1","Mount 2","Mount 3")) end
/click RnM

You’re going to run out space fast, but you can replace the item:id for the names.

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Thank you so much!!!
massive legend

unfortuanlty its not working anymore :confused: was working for a few hours, now im just getting the “A macro script has been blocked from an action only available to the blizzard UI” again.


/run if not InCombatLockdown() then local f=RnM or CreateFrame("Button","RnM",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate") f:SetAttribute("type","item") f:SetAttribute("item",GetRandomArgument("Mount 1","Mount 2","Mount 3")) end
/click RnM

Just wanted to say THANK YOU!! The most recent addition to this thread also works in SoD, with newer mounts like the Golden Sabercat. In place of “Mount 1”, you write “item=XXXXX” where the Xs are the IDs of the mount. Thrilled to find out there’s something that can work in classic era/SoD/Hardcore for something like this.