WoW Classic PTR Stress Test -- June 18

Eliminate layers completely please. It’s inexcusable to still having to play with layers in P5. You said they will be gone by P2… which was a lie.


This is going to awesome! So happy Blizzard is putting some great engineering behind making this happen again! Testing has always been enjoyable on scales like this on Retail and now Classic. Never forget Firelord Nomi and his devastating reign over Dalaran a few years ago during a test on retail to check out the stability of Dalaran and the servers as they were pushed to their limits.

Hope to see everyone there!

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They literally just made a post about bots. Maybe it’s not what you want to hear but they did say something


They’ll probably end up temporarily adding more layers for Silithus in order to handle this event…

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I know… which is very frustrating as this goes against the “spirit of classic” they like to preach a lot about. But they obviously don’t care and are just lazy to fix a problem they themselves created.


this might be tough with the PTR Character Copy down

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what do you need a PTR stress test for when you can just turn off layers and look at whitemane on tuesday

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And they also literally used the news outlet “use 1000 words to say nothing” tactic. Simply saying that botting is still against TOS and to keep reporting it. Haha. ha. ha.


Seems you missed it.

whats the difference between silithus and stormwind when ony buff is going out and everyone is spamming aoes

there isnt one

takes bout a full minute for the server to even let me log out on some nights


what about ban waves?


When you’re making changes to how the client fundamentally works while sending, receiving, and using data you don’t do that on a live environment. Since you’re unaware of how this works… it could also be used to improve your performance in stormwind while people are waiting for those, so precious, world buffs.

It’s clear that you don’t see nor understand the importance of this test.

no i understand it, im just saying they could gather the same data by literally looking at the live game


And I’m saying that you can’t test, or experiment with, a fix while the game is live.

weird, hasnt stopped them from playing trigger finger with layers

And what would you like them to say instead if they have nothing else to say?

That data and experimentation was done during the original stress test. Layering as we see it today is a result of this, with minor tweaks.

I’d honestly really like a statement like “yaaa guys we know you aren’t fans of botting, but Classic WoW was a Activizzard cash-cow operation from the get-go and we aren’t gonna ban subscribers for anything short of DDOSing our servers”


Guys should put off AQ until you have a solution to botting tbh.


Sounds great. Let me know when you grow up so I can get a mature response.