WoW Classic now under "Live" category

My Bnet Launcher just updated and it added WoW Classic as a category to my account\version select menu. The old Beta & Stress test is still on the menu too. Also, I am able to log in to the realm select page where the realms are there, but disabled. There is no “no realms available” error.

I don’t have it on my launcher, what the hell?

The old Beta is on the menu, so you can uninstall it. It’s no longer the stress test client.

If you uninstalled it, no biggie. As long as you have the World of Warcraft Classic entry in the launcher, you can play the Stress Test.

Oh, thanks :smiley:

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I don’t have either. Do I need to be in beta version of blizzard launcher or something?

Restart your Launcher, and accept the Launcher update.

I don’t have an update either, weird. :frowning:

I’m on a mac, I wonder if that’s a problem.

Yes, that’s a problem. For more reasons than just the beta XD. But in all honesty, the PC and Mac launchers are different so it will probably be pushed later.

Could be that they haven’t rolled the update out to Mac yet.

Need a Kaivax response on that.

When will it be live, tomorrow?


I’m already lvl 4.

restart your client if you have not already

I’m wondering if those new test servers are placeholders for the live classic servers when they release in August.

I’m thinking Blizzard will launch with just 16? Realms, divided up between PVE, PVP and a couple RP?

I think place, imho. Just the 16. They might add a pvp-rp one though

It’s not even a server type I’d roll on but it seems like a strange omission.

It’s on my launcher also but since I’m not subbed I guess it won’t matter LOL.

yeah, have to sub I guess

a lot of peeps seem to be asking for that one…

+1. Up to 5.