WoW Classic lost its soul? Feels like a hollow shell

All I see out in the world are bots farming herbalism / mining, very few people interested in questing together.
All of the in-game references to the developers who made the game great are gone.
No GMs / only mass reporting to handle the player base.
Asian farmer mafia runs the culture of the server, to the point where everything is monetized, from tanking dungeons to creating mage food / water. Blizzard even had to make a channel just for them to sell their boosting and summon services.
Like, what are you doing? Is there anyone who cares about this game anymore at your company, or did you replace them all with H1B / AI?


No, see, those people were let go because one time they told a funny joke in 1997 and Blizzard cannot employ people like that in #TheCurrentYear


Where you been the last 15 years?

I don’t see this on my server group, but I’m not playing sod/anniversary

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Not playing WoW.

Blizzard died in like 2011. Its been like this for a very long time.


Indeed Blizzard’s Classic has lost its soul.
Ironically, the types of players who used to happily pay a subscription fee for fantasy immersion and questing have seen that Blizzard’s version of WoW is mostly occupied by the polar opposite types of players:
The types who don’t want to or can’t pay for a subscription, who instead treat the game like a job, soullessly doing whatever they can to maximize gold to exchange for WoW tokens in order to maintain their subscriptions without having to pay any real money.

More and more over time, genuine players won’t pay to stay here amongst the soulless players when they can instead choose to play on a private server, for free, with more like-minded people.
Over time, all Blizzard is going to have left are the soulless players, mostly not even paying a cent for their subscriptions, and Blizzard will wonder why their game is not profitable.
Pretty funny.

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You guys are right on the money. (lol) This is the worst iteration of classic vanilla wow, especially considering many of us wanted TBC so we have to go through this sh!t again.

A lot of my buddies are just driving through with sheer will and ambition to make sure we are 100% setup for TBC, without simply just raid logging.

The Asian Bots are an infestation at this point, It will likely never improve and Blizzard knows that they can probably milk this for another 20 years by simply doing nothing but throwing out a refreshed sandbox for us every handful of years.

We are frustrated brother, you are not alone.



Personally, I’m probably not paying to renew my subscription again since I’m only interested in playing Classic versions. Blizzard’s price isn’t worth it when private servers, with more soul, are around for free.
Maybe one day when Blizzard actually decides to separate Classic subscriptions from Retail subscriptions, and disallows classic subscriptions being purchased with in game gold.

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The bots and whales mean more to Blizzard than you do.

Either accept it or move on.

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Anniversary megaservers ruined it for me. They feel like retail, but instead of crossrealm there’s layers. I would rather have a slightly dead off peak time and small AH, but at least I would see the same names.


Yeah, I don’t see a difference between cross-realm and layers at all.