WoW Classic Launch and Testing Schedule

Thanks for the post :+1:

Wait, what exactly does this mean?


Requiring an active subscription for a “chance” at beta is crummy. Many players who want vanilla aren’t currently playing retail and there’s no way I’m paying money for a “chance” to access beta.


World quests or dailies
 same vendor trash.

You can call oatmeal raisin cookies chocolate chip, but that first bite says if I finish the cookie.

Depending on how it plays out, both accounts get turned off permanently.

No phasing, 2-3k players per layer with persistence in the players encountered.

Also no layering after phase 1. The layers will merge after initial release surge.


oh cool! was worried about that

I think to walk away form a game you’ve, probably, played for so long with such dedication over sharding tells me that you’re already wanting to walk away for other reasons.

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no phasing. player persistence. people wont just dematerialize


Basically it’s locked shards? Instead of bouncing from one to the next you log in and that’s your shard forever? Once the tourist bubble pops all “layers” come together, right now, over me?

I can live with that.


All over you, but hopefully none gets in your hair.

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Oh good! I was also slightly worried about this, but I do think sharding NEEDS to exist at launch just in the starting zones. Ever played ANY launch day? Pure chaos!

Not a fan of the active sub for beta but everything else is gravy.


i played the wod launch. couldn’t even find the quest giver that launched the draenor part of the quest because he was buried in a sea of people on the biggest possible mounts they had lol


While at first glance that infuriated me, after further thought it is best to allow the retailers to see what they are in for rather than do so upon release. However it is pretty money-grabby. Not surprising seeing how they monetized the blizzcon “beta”.

What is the difference between “active subscription” and “active game time”?

Again, what is “active game time”?
Another blatant cash grab.


They have to make money somehow, there’s no classic cash shop. I just subbed on 2 x bnets for a small chance at beta. Worth it imo. If nothing else it’s just supporting classic.

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It’s actually August 26th for NA players
one day earlier!

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Active game time is if you’re using something like game time tokens and aren’t actually subscribed, but still have time left on your account to be able to play until a certain date.

I WAS HERE :sstvPoletail: :sstvPolebody: :sstvBOOMER: :sstvSIP:

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Don’t have an active sub, so
guess I can’t participate.

Oh well.


One is paid for automatically on a timer. The other is paid for manually and can lapse at the end of a month.