WoW Classic is going to be a Cash Grab

I want nothing more than for Classic WoW to be a success, I miss playing the old WoW dearly, but so long as layering is a part of the game for any amount of time, it’s not going to be the game we loved. Considering there are only 12 servers, I honestly don’t believe Blizzard when they say layering is temporary. I think, they’re going to just keep it in and keep server costs as low as possible until the game dies and they shut it down. Even if layering only temporarily stays in the game, I think it has extreme potential to kill the game before it begins. The initial wave of players and hype is arguably the most important time to ensure the game will live on for some time and if layering is built into the game for more than like a week, I think we’re in danger. Layering literally destroys the entire roots and fundamentals of what makes classic/vanilla WoW great and interesting. You can’t have a community and world based mmo succeed if the community and world are taken away. Layering destroys world PvP, as you can just phase out if being camped or near a group of the opposing faction, it breaks economy, as there are going to be way more mining nodes, herbs, any collectible/item drop, and of course it breaks the whole sense of world, as your friend or a group of randoms might be standing right next to you, but you just don’t see them. I can wait for Stormwind or Ironforge to be under attack by a Horde raid while I’m in the wrong layer and can’t get a sense of what’s happening unless I’m invited to said layer. Blizzard clearly hasn’t thought anything through when it comes to the layering system and it has me feeling like they don’t care and just want low as possible server costs. Phasing in Modern WoW has been problematic ever since it came out years ago and they’ve done nothing about it, so what makes anyone think that they can pump out a new phasing system and shove it in Classic WoW and it’ll be fine? Nothing about this system makes any sense whatsoever for Classic and blatantly breaks the game entirely and I really don’t want to see the game die off because of a choice this dumb. Literally all Blizzard has to do is release the game without any dumbass modernized systems like this and they couldn’t, of course they couldn’t, it’s Blizzard in the current year. I can’t wait to see the game die and for Blizzard to claim that “clearly a game like this just can’t survive in the modern day” or some other trash.

Long story short, layering is going to kill the game and it’s all for what I assume is lower investment is servers (which is also none sense considering a few random people with no funding could host servers for Nostalrius that had a cap around 16k at once with no form of phasing whatsoever). I’m sure people will claim this is fear mongering, but you truly cannot have a system like this in vanilla WoW, it fundamentally destroys the whole point of the game.

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Even shorter story: It’s far to late to change direction now.


Layering has been confirmed to be gone in phase 2 of the game. Not even 1/4th of the way through the cycle of content. It won’t change much for players who have been waiting for so long to play the game they love. For others that will leave because a simple system that is needed in phase 1… Well, see you later!


They’ve just addressed layering. Will people please smile lol. The Debbie downer routine is so old now.


From cash grab to layering? Wow. What a double play. I stopped reading at layering because your post says the same thing that the last 1000 said.
You should be happy. By phase 2 you will get your authentic ques!


You know what would kill classic? Having to open the number of servers needed to keep populations in check, only to have them go dead in a few months and the blizzard never merging them, that would kill classic


I just don’t understand the need to, above all, be bleak and negative. You do your best to sap the fun out of everything.

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Another 10/10 post, congrats on contributing nothing. No one is going to read your idiotic wall of text and you’ve done nothing but contribute to the downward spiral of this forum.


Disclaimer: :sun_with_face:not personal :sun_with_face:

The op reads like a massive case of FOMO.
Deal with it.

Yes, classic is going to grab all the cash I tried to give blizzard since 2008. I never understood why blizzard never accepted my money, but at last they are going to grab it.

This entire post amounts to kicking and screaming on the floor because you didn’t get what you wanted. Dude, layering is going away. Wait a phase if it bothers you that much. We will see you on the flip side.

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Cash grab? Sure. Fun restored? Absolutely. Layering? Who cares.

Paragraphs, man. Ya’ll reaaaally gotta look into this one trick that some guy came up with to make words more readable. Writers hate him for it!

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OP: Snopes say this is…


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Here you go. I’ll just leave this here.

You have trust issues, bro. Get some help. The idea that you care more about Classic WOW than Blizzard is really silly.

Who would invest in a game to let it fail? This is ridiculously dumb

*before phase 2 of the game.

How is Classic WoW going to be a cashgrab?? They are not charging you, Its included with your normal subscription…

thats a bucket full of pessism right there, i have a little more faith than that honestly