WoW Classic Hotfix -- Raid Party XP Bug

They can’t see the blizzard code, they don’t know how the XP coefficients are supposed to work.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. The people banned over the XP potion could not see the code either.


That required you to go out of your way to do it.

To put it a different way, they also didn’t think leveling via dungeons would work because pservers only had a 2x xp coefficient but apparently on classic its 2.5x and thus makes it good leveling XP, this is not anymore an exploit then that was.

If blizzard had come out and said “we have recognized a bug in dungeon XP in raids” and people kept doing it then you could grab your pitchforks, but there was literally zero way to know that this was a bug until blizzard said it was, and they had plenty of time to say it because every major stream was showing it for the last few days.

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Same with xp potions. Same kind of situation. Except that time it was week week to month bans and now its nothing.


Not even close, everyone KNEW that that the XP potions weren’t supposed to stack like that, just like back in cata when ret was doing massive dmg after a patch.

There was zero way to know with this one because people weren’t going out of their way or doing anything out of the norm. Stacking XP pots is EXTREMELY out of the norm.

Use it twice and it stacks. Doesn’t seem that out of the norm. I also have to question your logic. They “KNEW”, I guess they could see the code or blizzard had said something about it. since that was your argument before.

How about the bombs on lich king world first? How could they know thats not how your supposed to do the fight? blizz didnt say “the bombs are causing the platforms to behave incorrectly”


players that used it should be banned and characters deleted.


oh don’t be obtuse, you know that potions don’t stack, only the duration gets extended, and the people who only did it once didn’t get banned, the people who got banned stacked a BUNCH of them.

And nothing else in the game rebuilds the platform in Lich King, but on that one I don’t think the guild should have banned, it’s a fringe case.

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now plz ban every account that exploited this…


tbh I believe they are all cases of people knowing to some degree what they are doing is unintended. I think a 48 hour ban would be the most sensible. Permanent banning is a bit harsh for anything like this since it doesn’t directly effect others.

However the fact that this was reported in the beta and that it was not fixed until now. It feels fishy and that is why the lack of any punishment bothers people.


You can form a raid at level 1 and farm an entire area.

Imagine being as mad as this guy. Lol

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Who is mad? I am just enjoying the debate and I think it is always good to talk about this sort of thing.

Really I am just bored at work hahahaa

imagine having such a low IQ you cant understand why people are mad…


Really its also weird that there are people defending exploiting. At least my man Pyrofilia offered a debate though. Much love for that.


DROP THE BAN HAMMER for EVERY character that exploited this. Leave the account. remove the character…


No one is defending exploiting. We are telling you that no exploiting occurred.

Thats an interesting idea, I wonder if they could. I know its a nuanced thing because there are sure to be people just dragged along by friends/guildies.

Suspensions are a pretty harsh, I’d say the vast majority of mass suspensions over Exploits have been EXTREMELY obvious exploits, which this really isn’t, most people wouldn’t bat an eye at the xp they were getting.

Wasn’t really even faster then 5 manning, just more room for error

Then what was fixed? a bug or an exploit? If it was a bug from classic, no fix should be warranted, if it was an exploit, people should be punished, it can’t be both.