WoW Classic Hotfix -- Raid Party XP Bug

Me wonders just how much extra XP raid members were gaining before this hotfix.


It’s a hotfix for a reason. Stop being salty, it’s not like this is on the level of a world-first kill being exploited, it’s just some extra xp that people were farming before anyway with 5-mans.


This right here! This is absurd!


“outside of BGs”

You realize there’s no BGs on classic yet? Of course they’re all outside of BGs.


I feel like I’ve utterly wasted my life. They need to absolutely do something, issue roll-backs or delevel. Do something. Literally so many more people will be happy from this. This is outrageous.


I’m disappointed they didn’t just keep it the way it was. I think I actually prefer 10 man dugeons now. Playing with so many guild mates made classic feel like a true MMO.


Oh, I’m not talking about Classic.

Classic Blizzard “How dare you have more than 4 friends!” stance. Well it was nice to almost have a true MMO experience with WoW again. I wonder how long it will be until the crybabies strong arm them into disabling the ability to queue into BGs with a premade again.

What are you talking about? Almost nobody is 60 (my server doesn’t even have any 60’s) and almost none of the high levels abused raid instance farming, they did power questing or pre-coordinated 5 man dungeon grinding. Hell it’s mostly isolated to SM right which will get you to about early 40’s and it just started expanding to ZF

Remember everyone exploit early and exploit often.

Not going to punish the exploiter Bliz?



The World-First kill guild literally used this exploit to get to 60 so fast.


After everyone abused it? The majority of players are only just hitting a high enough level to do it.

Thanks for the fix! Rollback players that leveled this way, please!


I feel like I’ve utterly wasted my life. They need to absolutely do something, issue roll-backs or delevel. Do something. Literally so many more people will be happy from this. This is outrageous.

The state of this comment.


My two cents is as follows:

#1 - I don’t think any changes should be made from the Classic bugs, exploits, rates, tables, anything, unless they’re absolutely game breaking. This “bug” isn’t absolutely game breaking.

#2 - Some players have already benefited from this “bug”, that I’m hearing has always existed in the game. To remove it now seems really off, because the damage is already done and people have already gained from it. It makes it even worse on players who were looking to bridge the gap by utilizing the same method people used to get ahead of them.

#3 - I feel like this could be the start of a slippery slope to change too much about classic, in the name of better balancing the game. The game wasn’t perfectly balanced. We all know that. It’s not a problem. I don’t think anybody should be trying to make it something that it wasn’t! Then it becomes something else entirely!

#4 - If you want the feedback of someone who never used this bug, planned on using it, or even knew it existed until know - I wish you would have left it alone and kept it in the game. I would like Classic to stay Classic, please.

Thanks for the time.


And the exploiters dont get punished?


That guild leveled in 5 man dungeons, 10m is too slow. Also, Classic originally didn’t have this much xp for 10 mans which was the same on private servers. They even laughed at people who were leveling this way.


What happened to Classic is classic?

Bug fix my a&%

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Months long “beta”.

Also, punish for exploiting blizz. You do in retail. You banned for exp exploit in legion, why not here? Unless it was only because you wanted to sell more character boosts.


Rag kill no longer legit