I replied to another thread to say this but I will here too.
I logged on to this toon I post on to check the new Ui and did a /who. Yesterday there were 45 horde online with most looking like hunter/mage bots. Today there were 9 with all of those looking like “real” players.
I checked ally side on this cluster, same deal.
I checked the Faerlina cluster on both sides, same deal. 10 or 11 on each side for each of these… lower pop clusters, down from 45 “players” or so.
Carrying on about stuff like retail settings menu doesn’t help this point any. Nor does pretending like blizzard has promised you anything. If they want to keep the codebase modern for ease of addon development and internal development, that’s entirely their perorgative. Carrying on like they’ve brought in new talent tree’s and totally changed the game, is ludicrous.
It’s their choice to do what they want with the game and it’s the players’ choice to voice displeasure with said changes.
If you have have something against consumers complaining about a product I might recommend other genres of websites where your time is better spent other than forums for said product.
You’re voicing discontent as though you’ve been promised something that hasn’t been delivered. That isn’t the same as saying hey, I’d prefer if this wasn’t here.
I haven’t been playing much for the last few months and already had that feeling creeping up where I had one foot out the door but this pretty much sealed the deal for me.
Didnt care for the chronoboon but it wasnt detracting from my experience. Didnt care for the pvp changes but I cant really argue with their reasoning. While the UI and other changes aren’t a real concern for many Ive just had enough.
Blizz said they didnt want to run two MMOs and they weren’t kidding. Well, Im not paying for three MMOs while the one Im interested in gets further and further away from an already distanced starting point. Screw this garbage.
I wish I didnt just buy another two months of game time and waste the last 4 years on hopes and dreams. So I guess this is where I hang it up.
Now to go hate on my friends and fam who overrode my decision to not to play classic, got me to play classic, left me alone 2 months after launch so I could end up here regretting all the time I spent playing.