WoW Classic dropping frames under MacOS 14

I’ve just upgraded from MacOS 12.7 to 14, and now WoW Classic is dropping frames. It runs at 60 fps most of the time, but when my character’s moving (even if I just hold A or D to spin in circles) I can see it drop frames for maybe half a second then return to normal. Then, a few seconds later, it’ll drop frames again.

Interestingly neither the in-game Ctrl-R counter nor Apple’s Metal HUD show any slowdown. It seems that the game “thinks” it’s running at full speed even though it isn’t.

I’m on a 2020 iMac, 10-core i9, 32 GB, 5700 XT. This issue didn’t occur under OS 12. Any ideas?

Edit: I just happened to click into this other thread and it seems that enabling Max Foreground FPS Toggle and setting it to 60 has fixed the issue. That was a nice easy fix, although a bit mysterious since it was fine before!

Generally speaking you want to cap fps or enable vsync anyways cause going above refresh rate is just taxing.

I suspect what you saw though was thermal throttling cause of uncapped frames in combination of OS probably still doing post update background tasks. it’s not uncommon for first day of an update for high utilization from background tasks such as spotlight and time machine and other crons. basically OS doing post update cleanup or reindexing or backups. the system was basically chugging cause it was doing too much and your fps cap reduced workload considerably

Possibly, although it’s been about five hours since I did the upgrade. I already had VSync on, so that in isolation didn’t fix it.

Anyway, sorted now. Thanks for replying anyway :slight_smile: