Wow classic cost?

Exactly. You choose to spend that money. Just like you choose to pay a sub or not pay a sub.

I canā€™t even remember how many sub games I quit when they went ā€œfreeā€ because the free version was too expensive. Lets name a few lol ā€¦DDO, AoC, Riftā€¦

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This is largely why I assume they went with it as well.

Not only in Classic players paying $15 USD per month, but also in getting modern WoW players to potentially stay subscribbed during down periods.

Itā€™s no secret that a lot of players of modern WoW play on cycles of a few months subbed a few months unsubbed, especially based around content patches. Theyā€™re probably hoping people will play Classic WoW instead of unsubbing.


Look at it this wayā€“Classic is taking a lot of effort from a lot of programmers. Is it really fair to tack a lesser price tag onto a project that takes just as much work as a brand new one? They may not be presently designing ā€œnew contentā€ for Classic, but there is a ton of new programming and systems development to make it work how it used to work.

Why should it cost any less than the current game? Heck, for current subscribers itā€™s a FREE bonus. Honestly, I see Blizzardā€™s reasoningā€“people who return for Classic will automatically have a live subcription to current WoW as well, perhaps enticing them to play it in between raid lockouts or something.

I donā€™t see this as being anything but good for everybody involved. As I said a moment ago, Classic is not ā€œan old game.ā€ Itā€™s old code being transformed into a new game. I donā€™t see why it should be discounted.

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Still a choice. If a game wants to have pay to win aspects that cost a fortune donā€™t play them.

So you position is what exactly? Pay or donā€™t play? So the option to only pay for what you want isnā€™t a concept in your mind? There is no reason why there canā€™t be an option for classic only. Hell Iā€™d pay $15 for the classic only option.

Alright, so pay $15 and only play Classic. Problem solved!


Yep there are some grocery stores where buy 1 get 1 free does not mean buy one at half priceā€¦you buy 1 at full price and itā€™s your choice to either take the other for free or not.


Iā€™m going to. Iā€™ve said in other threads the sub is not whatā€™s going to make or break me playing. That doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t want an option to have Classic and only Classic. I donā€™t want to pay for something I donā€™t want, and spin it however you want, youā€™re paying for both with a sub that includes both.

Buy One Get One sale are marketed as ā€œBuy 1 at full price get the other one for a reduced price/freeā€. What they really are is, buy both at a reduced price. But you throw Free in there or 50% off on 1, or some sale price for the ā€œsecond itemā€ and it sells more. The second item isnā€™t free, you still paid for it, you just think you got it for free because marketing.

Good news you can do just that. Pay $15 and play classic only.
Whatā€™s your issue again?

My position is great. Little stiff from riding for 3+ hours but Iā€™m almost home. Again.
So yea. Lifes good living the dream. Waiting for classic and some bird tomorrow.
How you doing?


Hmm, a choice to not have the second one. What a novel conceptā€¦

Yep and you have itā€¦log into the other or donā€™t all better. Blue already said they will know which one you log into.

Good, good. Kind of have a headache from wondering why people are so adamant that people not have the choice to have just the game they want. Itā€™s like you want to force modern wow on people.

When you check out at a store does everyone move to a different line? I am thinking they doā€¦I would not wait for you to argue an hr with the checker


No, because when I go to the store I donā€™t have things forced on me that I didnā€™t want in the first place.

Haha go to Krogerā€¦ this off of this many of this and this off of this many of thatā€¦

Letā€™s get one thing straight, that everyone seems to forget. This world, Classic and Modern World of Warcraft was not built in a day. Thereā€™s Multiple people that have worked on this project that HAVE to be paid, and thereā€™s people who are still working on these projects on a constant daily basis to ensure that these things donā€™t fall apart. You have coders, you have design artists, etc. Do these people not deserve to be paid? You think that the 60 dollars you spent is enough money for all (what is it, like 75 to 90 people that work on any of these projects at a given time?) of them to be paid, as well as the electricity to CONSTANTLY run the servers, and the cooling needed so that these beasts donā€™t over heat? Do you think that your measly 60 dollars is going to pay for all of that? Youā€™re lucky theyā€™re not charging you a sub fee, and an expansion fee for basically a new game. Thereā€™s a lot of work they put into Classic. Be glad theyā€™re not raking you hand over fist for money for something that youā€™re crying is coming to you for free, with the only stipulation that you pay for a subscription fee.

Oh yes you do. The store is literally lit and arranged to nudge you to buy things. Aka spend more money. Aka. Impulsuve buys. Aka reeling em in.


No, Iā€™m pretty sure the second item is free. What matters is the price during non-sale periods. If you buy one item that costs $5 when it isnā€™t on sale, thatā€™s the price you paid for the item. If you buy the same item for $5 during a ā€œbuy one get one freeā€ sale, that item costs $5 stillā€“but, if you buy two, the first one still costs $5 and the other is free.

You can average it out that they each cost $2.50, but you canā€™t just buy one for that price. The price of one item is $5, not $2.50. The second item is, indeed, free.

There is no ā€œBuy just one item for $2.50ā€ example to be had, here. In fact, you sort of just defeated your own argument with the buy one get one free thing. Look at it this way: Modern WoW and Classic WoW are a permanent buy-one-get-one sale. You can buy one for its full price, and you will always get the other one for free.

You can choose, for the sake of your own mental health, which one youā€™re ā€œbuyingā€ and which one is ā€œfree.ā€ So in your case, youā€™d be spending $15 on Classic, and youā€™d get Modern for free.

Sounds like a good deal, actually.

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Good for them. Just because something is on sale doesnā€™t mean I was forced to get the extra stuff I didnā€™t need.

Correct noone is forcing you to log into live. Iā€™m glad you finally get it