WoW Classic BlizzCon Demo Pre-Download

10/24/2018 09:29 AMPosted by Daimonas
hmm, if there is no EXE, then there is no ExportInterfaceFiles, so I guess I'll have to wait until 2nd November, after all

*wakes up to tear washing off the line as it's gonna rain this morning*

Your assumption is not true friendo.

Via this black magic -

I was indeed able to run ExportInterfaceFiles code

Classic indeed has a 64 bit binary it's just named wow.exe

I was able to get the classic client to load I just can't login. ExportInterfaceFiles doesn't actually need you to be fully logged in to run. Here's a mirror of my extract -

Yes I'm pretty sure it's from classic - I had the options screen open at the time with the "Classic" button to reset options to classic. Also my only gxAPI options were D3D11 and there were no 8.1 Multithreaded GPU cVars in that console so it could not of been Live or PTR I was running.

*goes back to bed*
20 hours since this announcement and I still can't pre-download the demo... I'm getting worried.
Same, would like to start the download process soon
Same here but cant would love too tho :(
10/24/2018 10:49 AMPosted by Fraxie
20 hours since this announcement and I still can't pre-download the demo... I'm getting worried.

I'm in the same situation you are. I'm sure it will all get worked out.
10/24/2018 10:58 AMPosted by Srumar
10/24/2018 10:49 AMPosted by Fraxie
20 hours since this announcement and I still can't pre-download the demo... I'm getting worried.

I'm in the same situation you are. I'm sure it will all get worked out.

I hope so. We've all been waiting 12 years for this
10/24/2018 11:08 AMPosted by Fraxie
10/24/2018 10:58 AMPosted by Srumar
I'm in the same situation you are. I'm sure it will all get worked out.

I hope so. We've all been waiting 12 years for this

and 22 hours LUL
10/24/2018 10:43 AMPosted by Bluspacecow
10/24/2018 09:29 AMPosted by Daimonas
hmm, if there is no EXE, then there is no ExportInterfaceFiles, so I guess I'll have to wait until 2nd November, after all

*wakes up to tear washing off the line as it's gonna rain this morning*

Your assumption is not true friendo.

Via this black magic -

I was indeed able to run ExportInterfaceFiles code

Classic indeed has a 64 bit binary it's just named wow.exe

I was able to get the classic client to load I just can't login. ExportInterfaceFiles doesn't actually need you to be fully logged in to run. Here's a mirror of my extract -

Yes I'm pretty sure it's from classic - I had the options screen open at the time with the "Classic" button to reset options to classic. Also my only gxAPI options were D3D11 and there were no 8.1 Multithreaded GPU cVars in that console so it could not of been Live or PTR I was running.

*goes back to bed*

ooh right

<Size x="384" y="512"/>

I recognize this so well. Looks like we're really getting quite nochanges UI, not just old talents.

The question, can I turn off that "Instant Quest Text"?
10/24/2018 11:10 AMPosted by Durøtañ
and 22 hours

It's a teensy bit early to get antsy (plus Ythisens post indicates 20 hours ago), but I know there have been past cases where logging out of the launcher completely, then logging back in has helped get something to show up.
It just appeared for me. I had to exit the launcher a couple times and relog then it appeared.
10/24/2018 11:48 AMPosted by Rottie
It just appeared for me. I had to exit the launcher a couple times and relog then it appeared.

THIS WORKED for me! I had to do exist and re launch the battlenet launcher exactly 2 times and I got it :D
function QuestFrameDetailPanel_OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
if ( self.fading ) then
self.fadingProgress = self.fadingProgress + (elapsed * QUEST_DESCRIPTION_GRADIENT_CPS);
if ( not QuestInfoDescriptionText:SetAlphaGradient(self.fadingProgress, QUEST_DESCRIPTION_GRADIENT_LENGTH) ) then
self.fading = nil;
-- Show Quest Objectives and Rewards
if ( GetCVar("instantQuestText") == "0" ) then
QuestInfo_FadeInAlphaDependentText(QuestDetailScrollChildFrame, QUESTINFO_FADE_IN)

good. So, in case is it's not in the options:

/console instantQuestText 0
10/24/2018 11:48 AMPosted by Rottie
It just appeared for me. I had to exit the launcher a couple times and relog then it appeared.

This worked for it to finally appear for me as well. I didn't know that I would get a WoW: Classic option for each account I had.
10/24/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Eilethalua
10/24/2018 11:10 AMPosted by Durøtañ
and 22 hours

It's a teensy bit early to get antsy (plus Ythisens post indicates 20 hours ago), but I know there have been past cases where logging out of the launcher completely, then logging back in has helped get something to show up.

did that and no luck :(
10/24/2018 11:48 AMPosted by Rottie
It just appeared for me. I had to exit the launcher a couple times and relog then it appeared.

I've been doing this often since the blue post went up yesterday and still nothing. I can view the virtual ticket only videos under the Blizzcon tab so I know I have the virtual ticket on my account...
10/24/2018 12:14 PMPosted by Herrmmage
10/24/2018 11:48 AMPosted by Rottie
It just appeared for me. I had to exit the launcher a couple times and relog then it appeared.

I've been doing this often since the blue post went up yesterday and still nothing. I can view the virtual ticket only videos under the Blizzcon tab so I know I have the virtual ticket on my account...

Ok so for those of you having trouble, this did end up working for me. What I WASN'T doing was actually logging out of the launcher. I was only closing it, waiting a minute and reopening it. After I actually logged out of the launcher, waited a minute and logged back in, then it appeared! Hope this helps!
10/24/2018 12:21 PMPosted by Herrmmage
10/24/2018 12:14 PMPosted by Herrmmage

I've been doing this often since the blue post went up yesterday and still nothing. I can view the virtual ticket only videos under the Blizzcon tab so I know I have the virtual ticket on my account...

Ok so for those of you having trouble, this did end up working for me. What I WASN'T doing was actually logging out of the launcher. I was only closing it, waiting a minute and reopening it. After I actually logged out of the launcher, waited a minute and logged back in, then it appeared! Hope this helps!

This worked for me as well. It didn't work at first, but the second I opened up my task manager and made sure to kill the Blizzard task called "AGENT.EXE" it showed up on my very next launch.

Hope this extra tip helps if anyone still couldn't get it.
but at this point its been more then 24 hours since it went live and soi tried everything like reset/logoff with templocaldata/data/localdata folders deleted
10/24/2018 01:35 PMPosted by Durøtañ
but at this point its been more then 24 hours since it went live and soi tried everything like reset/logoff with templocaldata/data/localdata folders deleted
Mine just got available a few minutes ago. I believe they're releasing smoothly... sooner or later your client will allow you to download.
So where is it?