WoW Classic Beta Alterac Valley Test Info

Do you…do you think I’m blizz?

Right…does this mean they are considering another version instead of the 1.12???

So far no unfortunately … Let’s see the feedback from the beta and how it goes.

So what is the plan for Hunter ammo and pet feeding/training? The way I read this it looks like hunters are going to burn through their gold and might not even have an optimal pet (unless they give hunters a fully talented Broken Tooth or something).

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Hi… we are doing something incredibly cool for a select people.

Then we are going to advertise to everyone about this incredibly fun experience.

Thst they get to watch hahahahahahahahahahahahahah

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Blizzard is not very good at optics.

When it comes to AV and the way that its built they cant HALFWAY do anything. They need to create a unique reimaging of it and leave it that way.

They are not testing if a hunter with all the optimal stuff is “good” or not. they are testing the overall mechanics of the BG.

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With sub L60 toons. Something that will be a rarity some months into classic. There should be a mix of L58, and a much larger % of L60s with epic mounts. They are setting it up to be a kabuki theater where they can point to it and proclaim that 1.12 AV is not really zergable.

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I think you missed my point. Blizzard is not establishing HOW AV will play out. It will be what was in 1.12. They are testing the instance spawning and mechanics, scoring, awarding of honor, rewards, etc. the things that interact with the servers.

This has NOTHING to do with what level, what speed of mounts, etc. people have. They could populate it with all level 40’s…

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You certainly appear to have insider info on what blizzard intends with this test. Almost as if you are making it up whole cloth.

I guess it was just a fluke that they chose the number 58 in a BG where in time nearly every single player will be L60

Quite true. My question was not about hunter viability in the battleground. My question is what does Blizzard expect the hunter player to do when they run out of ammo, food for their pet, and the gold they start with to buy ammo and food. The question also extends to any other class that uses some sort of item for their attacks or utility spells. Does Blizzard expect the player to just make another character or will there be a way to make more gold?

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LOL. Could you imagine if they decided to test 1.7 AV for the limited Beta community never to be seen again. Some players on the forums flip out over the smallest thing. People would need to be put into a padded room with no shoelaces afterwards.

For as much as I’ve taken more than my fair share of passive aggressive delight in needling the 1.5 advocates, I genuinely hope Blizzard shocks the world and delivers to them what they have been trying to get.

Considering blood elves won’t be a thing in Classic I doubt many people will be rolling horde. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Where will Hunter’s get pets?

Looking at the above… I would imagine there will be a food/drink vendor available with food for the pet. And I would suspect they will either give all alliance hunters cats and horde raptors… or maybe 2-3 different pets in the stable. I seriously doubt it will be Brokentooth.

The only reason there is gold is to buy the food, water, reagents (including ammo) and respec fees. I doubt they go ou of their way to provide bandages, but they may give you a few hundred.

And yes… if you run out, I’m sure deleting and starting a new premade character is a valid choice.

You will already have a pet… (perhaps a couple others in the stable)

It doesn’t sound like even the cities will have NPCs expect those mentioned… but if they do… SW peeps can try and tame sewer beast… :slight_smile:

Come on. Please open up BRD, Scholo, Strat, LBRS, UBRS, DM East, North and West so I could get BiS gear then I go AV. LOL.

send an invite so I can show you how to defeat sleep deprivation.