WoW Classic Beta Alterac Valley Test Info

But its not. It’s really not. 1.12 is fine. It is fine.

Again. . NOT everyone. . Loud Minority… Just like during vanilla :slight_smile:

it depend which testing access you are talking about

i agree pre 1.12AV was more fun. Majority of the AV’s we dud the summoning. The pack of wolfs from the horde side killed me a few times…lol
I remember one late night AV, after playing for several hours, i fell asleep at keyboard and woke aggervated that i dozed off… re-qued… and was back in the same AV :slight_smile:


That “loud minority” managed to show in both polls and threads that early AV was overwhelmingly desired.

Calling them the minority just makes you look like a troll.


Polls run by the minority show nothing and you know that Brokenwind. Just as I know trying to reason with you is pointless. You are one of the vocal minority.

Yup, you are totally not trolling now.

Calling you out for you inability to reason is NOT trolling. You do not want to listen to any one else if it goes against your ridged frame of mind.

The loud minority must have prevented the actual majority to upvote the AV 1.12 announcement, while only allowing upvotes to threads bashing the decision.

Another totally not a valid poll:

A totally rigged poll done by the loud minority of reddit:

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Would be cool if Blizzard do themself the poll on Twitter, to decide it, once and for all.

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643 total votes.

Of which where BY the community that is pushing it by and large. Straw polls are not accurate indicators of the community or the past. It is a vocal minority that has ALWAYS existed in wow… They forget not everyone belives the way they do. And the FACTS as in realm population and breakdown from vanella through wrath show that.

But I know I am talking into the wind because you WILL NOT LISTEN. You never do.

Your opinions do not line up with mine. . or others. It’s ok to have them, but it’s not everyone

And your data you’ve collected to debunk those polls and threads is… What? Your feels? What evidence of your claim of “just loud minority” have you provided?

My data that you dont listen. . You just pointed to it.

The classic reddit and that particular forum on mmo champion is largely attended by nochangers and private server people. Not the thousands of those of us who seldom say anything.

As for some facts about number break down. I have posted in the past about realm breakdown. While you and others yell that PVP is the only form of the game the facts show otherwise

The point is 1.12 is as good a version and your hollow chest beating that you will take your ball and go elsewhere is just tiring.

Is it so hard to understand I am simply asking you to realize that you are not the mouthpiece for everyone?

And since you like to edit and add to your comments while you know the person who is winning by logic is answering continues. .

But here ya go. Here is one data point to show you that one of the vocal minority groups, IE PVP is all that matters is here

Have fun bro

Claims to be “winning by logic”
Provides proof of something that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

It speaks precisely to the point. . Pull your head out of the clouds.

The point is this.

  1. You quote polls to show that 1.12 AV is bad.

  2. Those polls are by a small group of people and not representative of the whole.

  3. I show you proof that this behavior is not new.

  4. You don’t flipping care, because you are a card-carrying member of that very vocal minority.

And as always… I am finished talking to you. I had hoped you would listen to some reason. but nope.

If you actually read through some posts you’d find the vast majority are in support of not using 1.12 AV.


If I take time, and have in the past, its the same few people over and over stirring the pot and saying it.

That is you.

I am just saying it is fine and what I have been watching this weekend in no way lines up with what you have been saying.

Go hangout with Brokenwind. . He agrees with you.

The honest truth is, I am just a clever AI created by the loud minority who support early AV. Our goal is to replace all canadian bacon with decent smoked maple flavored pork belly. The AV thing is just a smoke screen for our true motives.

Beep boop boop beep.


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He and everyone else agrees, your literally the only one here saying otherwise.

Perhaps you should check this post and have a word with the 1200+ posters who also agree 1.12 AV is not an authentic representation of classic av.

Face it, YOU are the minority here.

Everyone else is either blizzfully unaware because they didn’t play classic and have no comparison (eg. YOU) or they are extremely upset at this watered down AV.