WoW Classic Beta Alterac Valley Test Info

Claims to be “winning by logic”
Provides proof of something that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

It speaks precisely to the point. . Pull your head out of the clouds.

The point is this.

  1. You quote polls to show that 1.12 AV is bad.

  2. Those polls are by a small group of people and not representative of the whole.

  3. I show you proof that this behavior is not new.

  4. You don’t flipping care, because you are a card-carrying member of that very vocal minority.

And as always… I am finished talking to you. I had hoped you would listen to some reason. but nope.

If you actually read through some posts you’d find the vast majority are in support of not using 1.12 AV.


If I take time, and have in the past, its the same few people over and over stirring the pot and saying it.

That is you.

I am just saying it is fine and what I have been watching this weekend in no way lines up with what you have been saying.

Go hangout with Brokenwind. . He agrees with you.

The honest truth is, I am just a clever AI created by the loud minority who support early AV. Our goal is to replace all canadian bacon with decent smoked maple flavored pork belly. The AV thing is just a smoke screen for our true motives.

Beep boop boop beep.


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He and everyone else agrees, your literally the only one here saying otherwise.

Perhaps you should check this post and have a word with the 1200+ posters who also agree 1.12 AV is not an authentic representation of classic av.

Face it, YOU are the minority here.

Everyone else is either blizzfully unaware because they didn’t play classic and have no comparison (eg. YOU) or they are extremely upset at this watered down AV.


This weekend has zero relation to a live version with MoHs and honor system being grinded for. In an AV beta where nothing matters and completing the BG gives no benefit of course it doesn’t “line up”.



1200 posts filled with opinions on both side.

And I did play vanilla cup cake. This is my toon. I dont hide behind a demon hunter who didn’t even get max level :slight_smile: And yes, that was cheap.

Just remember. . The vocal minority has always been here and because you loud at the top of your lungs with your fingers in your ears does not mean you are right NOR does it mean you speak for everyone.

Thanks though.

1.12 AV is fine and again. I can’t wait to be back in it.

You know what you can do if you dont like it. . Dont play.

The majority of WOW players did not play back then. The majority of WOW players do not look into the old content. So it is all new to them.

It would have been nice to fix the nonsense of being able to shoot through mountains. So much of the terrain is trivialised in AV. It looks so stupid to see a bunch of ranged facing into a mountain and shooting through it.

Not soon enough… I had a 4-day weekend and thought I’d have a decent weekend to seek out more bugs in beta. Little did I know I’d be testing out death mechanics in AV. I did about five AVs. The thing is, I don’t remember much about AV in vanilla. I only did it a few times and it was always a turtle. What am I supposed to use as my reference to identify what is and what isn’t working?

Did you bug report it?

The blue post announcing 1.12 AV had more likes for the first couple posts critical of the announcement than the blue post itself. That thread continues to be the longest blue thread in this subforum, despite being the first to be removed from the stickies (in an obvious move to try and hide it).

People want the old AV because they’ve seen what AV becomes when it’s in its nerfed state, and want none of it.


That is a lot of cynicism and mistrust you have there Switzy.

Your point is valid. I do not want a zerg either. But I do not believe that the hand wringing and shouting about a version that no one will que for after the new and shiny wears off is the way to go about it.

Have any of you ever stopped to think that WE are the reason the zerg exist? Because we went along with it and did not try to stop it? It’s not game design’s fault completely. Its the playerbase.

At best, I will play 1.12 AV until I get exalted, then I will run AB and WSG for my honor grind. If it was 1.5 AV, I would include it in my BG rotation even after getting exalted, because it’s actually fun.

Do you know why community is hopelessly stunted in retail? It’s not because the playerbase changed; it’s because the game changed.

Just as Blizzard killed server communities by introducing features that destroyed it, Blizzard ruined AV by nerfing it until bypassing the enemy team and rushing to the boss became viable. The playerbase only changed strategies as the game changed.


Somewhere on these very forums is a video of a zerg pre 1.12 So that does not hold up completely.

However, I do agree with you to SOME extent. But not taking any responsibility is just wrong. Game changes are huge reasons why things started to slip but they are in no way fully responsible.

Gameplay changed because we asked for it. Everyone keeps forgetting about that part. On these same wow forums. .

Do you know why in live we have iLevel? Because some epeen swinging people back in TBC made an addon to display artificial numbers known as GearScore. And the community are the ones that started limiting people if they did not have a GearScore number high enough.

Blizzard started showing the item level on gear in an attempt to combat the toxicity that gear score introduced. And that was community based. I know, I know, some die-hard blizzard haters are going to try to argue it was 100% blizzards fault for “allowing” the addon’s functionality to work, but it was the community that downloaded and used it. It was the community that made that mistake.

The community is not always right.
Blizzard is not always right.

But it is Blizzard’s code and IP. And in the end, if we don’t like it we vote with our pocketbooks.

But again. I do agree with you that we have lost community. However, it’s not 100% blizzards fault.

After playing a dozen AVs this weekend I have serious concerns about the level of resistance that NPCs will present. At level 60 with any decent gear groups should be able to employ the “no sleep til Stormpike” method of riding straight to the relief hut and tanking down all the NPCs, including elites. After that, using the pull-Van-and-reset method you will probably be able to farm AVs in 10-12 minute increments, reach exalted in one weekend, and never visit the battleground again.


This was a lower bracket of AV. At max level the NPCs will all be stronger.

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I hope so. It was much too easy.

I dunno…I actually prefer the “zerg” method in AV because I can no longer spend 14 hours a day on this game. I’v done my fair share of day long games back then. So being able to complete AV games in a reasonable amount of time sounds great to me now.