WoW Classic Anniversary no LFG tool

Playing on WoW Classic Anniversary realm. I can’t access the LFG tool even though I’m level 15. The icon isn’t on the minimap and pressing ‘I’ on the keyboard does nothing. Looking for any tips or suggestions from the community.

I don’t have any mods installed and I’ve never used a mod. I’ve followed the Blizzard article about renaming the cache, interface, and WTF folders. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I’ve checked through my game settings and Battlenet account settings for anything that might turn it off.


WoW Classic General Discussion is probably the best place to ask this, or UI and Macro

In here we mostly handle crashes and install issues.

Okay maybe a silly question, but are you sure you’re logged into the anniversary specific realms? Bnet likes to sometimes change uo what game mode you’re logging into.

I think I am. From the launcher I select “World of Warcraft Classic” and “launch into” is set to “Anniversary Realms”

A GM told me that certain races may have UI issues including no LFG tool if they skip the starting area. My character isn’t one of those races but I’m working on leveling another to 15 to test.