EDIT: Found answer to my original post
Guys I figured it out!!!
This is a chain macro composed of technically two buttons, but the first button clicks the second, so you only need a single keybind.
This macro does it all. If your pet isn’t with you, it calls it. If your pet is dead, it revives it. If you hold shift and click it, you’ll cast mend pet. If you hold ctrl and click it, you’ll feed your pet with whatever food you put in slot#1 of your backpack. Furthermore, if you have a target selected, this will set that target as your focus and order your pet to attack it. To call your pet back and to clear your focus, just de-select your target and hit the button again:
/cast [nopet] Call Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [mod:shift, nochanneling] Mend Pet
/cast [mod:ctrl, pet, nodead] Feed Pet
/use [mod:ctrl, pet, nodead] 0 1
/petfollow [noexists]
/click BT4Button33
Even further, it will click another button, in my case Bartender4 Button #33, which activate the next macro:
/petattack [@mouseover, harm, nomod] [harm, nomod]
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
This was necessary to do because of the 255 character limit for macros. This will allow you to order your pet to attack targets over your cursor. In addition, it will turn growl on or off depending on if you are in a group.
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“target=X” is still valid, but they added a shortcut with “@X” that most people use now to save on characters. So, target=pet become @pet.
I think probably your biggest problem is that there is no “focus” unit frame in Classic. (The old macro API let people do something focus-like during Vanilla, but as Classic uses the modern macro API, it just means there is no way to use a focus.)
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Edit: I have edited my original post with my solution
I’m not sure I understand what you mean. If I target a black bear and type /focus it puts the name up for me. I can go click other stuff to change target, but if I click on that name again it’ll take me back to the black bear. And in Bartender4 for Classic there’s an option for focus-casting.
I just went into classic to check if something had changed, and typing “/focus” just gets the “Type /help for a list of commands” error. So, I’m not sure what exactly is going on for you. Perhaps you have some addon trying to fake it?
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I used /fstack to get the frames to show up, then took a screenshot of me doing /focus on a squirrel:
https ://pasteboard.co/JukoXl2S.png
Focus doesn’t exist in Classic but there are attempts like this that display a frame when you type /focus
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Well, it’s funny but I just realized the /focus isn’t even doing any work in this macro compared to the original version. I could take it out completely and it would work just the same.