WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Information -- Updated Nov. 18

LOL servers full not even 2 seconds in. Logging into server message as soon as it all went live. GG blizz

Usually there is a Que, not the case here.

Authentic classic experience: blizz not knowing what they’re doing

They continue to underestimate how many people want to play.

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Hope yall do not want to play Alliance They are blocked.

The problem is most of those people quit, so if they do too many servers they just end up with a ton of dead ones. Launch day is always full of people, most of those people don’t stick around.


Thanks for only have 4 servers, and then to top it off having most of us stuck on “Logging in to server” screen forever, while some people were able to get on and take literally every name.

Horrible launch, and I won’t be playing due to how it was grossly mishandled.

Will there be a Boost in TBC for us in the TBC waiting room?

I doubt that.

They did last go around. Seems like easy money for people that dont prefer vanilla.

I clicked on an anniversary realm, and it brought me to the character creation, and then realized it brought me to another realms CC, and I just wasted 3 hrs and lost my name lawl…

So, I am a new player, and I play as a mage, and my friend told me that I should get a magic wand so that I can deal damage if I run out of mana, I tried to buy it from another player by trading, but it says “This action is currently restricted”, is there any way to fix this?

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I really wish Blizzard implemented forced faction balance on pvp realms on retail instead of ruining pvp realms with warmode (yuck) its especially frustrating seeing Blizz outright say how successful it is… wow that is sad and we asked for well over a decade. -_-

Get it for free, let seller post a grey thing on AH which you then buy - I haven’t tried just repeating what I saw somewhere.
Or wait until you have paid and played 30 days - this is one of Blizz’s anti-goldseller things which do nothing but bother honest players.

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When the PVP/PVE servers eventually progress to Burning Crusade, will Hardcore characters then be able to realm transfer to the PVP server?

I want to play on PVP for Burning Crusade, but I would like to attempt leveling my chars on hardcore now. Why can’t a Hardcore character transfer to PVP? Having 1 life is harder to deal with than rogues in Redridge; the rationale for siloing PVP vs PVE doesn’t really apply to hardcore.


Will the race swap service be made available once we progress into TBC? If so, I can level one of each class now and anticipate the swap to a space goat once that happens. If not, then I’ll just concentrate on my druid/rogue/warlock for now and wait to make my legion of space goats later.

Ha! Legion and space goats. Yeah, it wasn’t actually that funny. I’ll show myself and my sexy hooves out now.

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The answer most probably is: Faction balancing.
And the real answer should be: Level limitation on transfer, and only to the open faction(s).

GDKP ban is nothing more than Blizz taking sides in the divorce. Unfortunately those of us who can’t commit to a weekly “guild” raiding schedule get to lose out on that aspect because Pugging is just better on the schedule and convenient. Furthermore, GDKP’s help move gold around on the economy, as well as player accounts. Meaning, if I can earn gold in a GDKP, I can use that gold to help level an alt easier via gear/consumes/etc. Many GDKP groups require consumes for the content, meaning more production professions as well. When news of the GDKP ban hit SoD I lost all motivation to play and raid in it.
Overall, it sucks that this was a lost fight and nothing was gained by either sides other than “bragging” rights from those who are upset because they were never invited to something they didn’t understand.
I didn’t understand it either until WoTLK Classic. Once I tried it, however, it was a huge shock that I haven’t given it a shot before. Certainly never would have thought Blizz themselves would interject into the “loot rules” community within the game and find any reason at all to ban it.

TLDR: let players play the game how they want

This new player restriction is absolutely dumb and to shell out the $ for a year subscription just to play classic with my friends and then be totally unable to take actions that will put me majorly behind is egregiously bad customer service. You need an appeals process or something because this is straight up bad (I’d use stronger words… this is my trying to be nice voice).


RP-PvP server when?