WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Information -- Updated Nov. 18

Players deserve the right to choose how they raid. classic is all about making things work. the devs cant just cater to the demands of a modern audience and then call it authentic. I like Classic for all the flaws and issues, it’s what separates the experience from Retail. All the happy conveniences and well intentioned changes take players further and further away from Classic.

Classic WoW makes the player contemplate how they do things, how they spend their time. there isn’t a single route to anything and that open-endedness and mystery that comes from being a fresh 60 gives Classic that wonderful charm.

everything that makes anything more convenient for most players, takes away a part of the game that a niche of players enjoyed about classic most of all. keep chipping away at this, 100 niches dead and suddenly the game is stale and antisocial. how did this happen? “at least we have instant mail!”


I think it’s just a general hate of all changes. There’s a lot of long time Era players like myself who feel the game is as close to perfect as it’s ever going to get but they keep messing with it. Literally all we want is for it to be left alone.

Many feel that’s how the fresh realms should be as well and that’s not unreasonable seeing as they’ve already had a place for vanilla with changes for some time now. It’s just irritating when you want the game to just stop being touched and there’s literally already a version for touches.

Then you have all these people coming out of the woodwork right after they announce these fresh servers demanding all these changes. Where have they been for the last 3 years? Where do you think they’ll be in a year? Is it fair if they’re gone and the long term players are stuck with their mess?


what’s worse is the gaslighting. we’re the weird ones for wanting the server to keep its integrity. promises of #nochanges but then the 20th anniversary hype train blows through demanding a retail wow with classic veneer (go play SoD for that).
What happens at the end of Classic20 into TBC? are a bunch of clones going to complain about dual spec when they come to whitemane?


harsh punishments instruct the others. we do it in real life, too. Throw the book at a guy and make it public. everyone gets the message. is buying gold for a temporary advantage worth the risk of destroying all the work that came before?
it’s not sweeping things under the rug, its quite the opposite.
sweeping things under the rug is when you ban gdkp and blame it for melting guilds and not the unresolved botting issue that kills the game for everyone.


You said it well, that a niche amount of players enjoy. I get what you’re saying, essentially it’ll slowly erode the quality over time, but it is very, very poor business to cater to only a select few out of the masses.

Also, at this point, I’d wager there are minimum “fresh” people to Classic. The majority of us have played enough to know exactly what route to take, and exactly what spec will perform well or not or will be just for fun.

This fear mongering on a few changes is crazy. WoW Classic as it stands is not Vanilla and has had changes to it. Has it been ruined these past 5 years? Is it stale, antisocial? Why isn’t everyone up and arms about the upcoming LFR tool that will be implemented?

If the attack is on more changes being made, make the case then for every single one that they are doing rather than just a select few that the bandwagon has hopped on.

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I’m a casual and used to love GDKP because I would do my own thing and farm (as a Hunter primarily) and just sit back until I had a lot of gold and pick up a run with a Guild advertising for it.
No GDKP to me is just yet another nerf to casual DPS players.

if i add a little dirt to your water every so often and then i eventually say “well its not pure water anyways so what’s a little more dirt going to do?” does that sound like solid argument?

appealing to the audience, that those who resist changes are extremists, wishing for absolute purity, is a strawman fallacy often employed by those that wish to alter something. calling that strawman crazy or weird does not address me or many of the other people that have stuck to vanilla for the multitude of reasons that they do. it is not fear mongering to resist modern changes, it is foresight. the slippery slope is a real thing and before long you will only have a glass of mud to enjoy if everything that retail has is implemented in vanilla.

the primary issue is that the vanilla community is never asked when changes are made to Era. changes always come from those people who would not typically play vanilla and this our problem.

it is a poor business decision to alienate your long-term repeat customer base.


Would it be too much to ask for Shamans to be available to Dwarfs and Paladins to be Tauren. I know that pushes a cata class system but it doesnt add new races or zones and it still allows both faction to have access to those classes without breaking immersion.

It certainly does, because it sets penalty high enough for buying gold that people will not dare do it.

Then again this line of thinking you are using is something I would expect from a gold seller…

I am watching you gold selling scum.

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RP-PvP Server Pls!


I used basic human psychology as an explanation for why your so-called solution wouldn’t work, and you have no logical rebuttal, so you insinuate that I’m a gold seller. Stay mad lmao

You’re probably the same type of person who doesn’t understand why there are minimum and maximum sentences written into law.

Did not mean to delete this… Why is there not a warning when hitting the delete button? My comment:

Your first statement is oversimplifying the psychology behind criminals/rule breakers. Most people already assume it’s bannable for the first offence (and it is in cases where Blizzard deems it to be impactful enough on the economy, by whatever metric they use to measure that). People who are going to buy 100 gold for mount training are thinking to themselves “oh it’s a small amount, i wont get caught”. When they get caught, their account is flagged and they are told they have no more chances. This is enough to deter a majority of gold buyers from ever doing it again.

I agree with your second statement though. Botting needs to be addressed much more heavily, and GDKP in itself is mostly a non-issue. Banning GDKP is also sweeping things under the rug. The world does not need to be so black and white.

Please add Ally Sham and Hord Pally. Please. Please.

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Sorry, like the saying goes, “There is none so blind as those who will not see.” It seems your response missed the core point of what I was trying to convey and you are diminishing what I said.

Sorry, that was an grammatical error, what I meant was “This means players no longer need to join or create raiding guilds or resulting in fewer pick-up groups (PUGs).”
And is a fact, you want items? Join a guild or a pug, nothing more to say.

Again, you read, but you missed the point. You replied to a text that said nothing about gold buying and botting, and I don’t understand what that has to do with my reply. Once again, you read, but you didn’t internalize the message.

But if you want, okay, here I go:

GDKP promotes the boosting and the buying/selling of gold exponentially. If there are fewer raiding guilds and far fewer PUGs, what can players do who couldn’t make it into a guild? The few PUGs available in a GDKP realm are very picky; they inspect candidates, and it’s much less likely he will join. He has no choice but to go to a fishy website, buy gold, and join a GDKP and were you think that gold goes? back to a fishy site that sells gold. I played (and still play) in SoD and my experience was great—lots of PUGs at any time, and I have three toons in different raiding guilds. I can’t say the same for TBC Classic and WOTLK. I was only in one guild, and the only way to gear other characters was by joining GDKP. Worst experience.

When you say “playing differently,” do you mean “pay to win”? Because that’s the core idea of a GDKP: if you want an item, you pay for it.

I am not intolerant; I just don’t like pay-to-win games. WoW was never intended to be one, but players like you have converted it into that. Anyway, I will not respond again because, based on your original response and the one you directed at me, either you are a kid throwing a tantrum, or you were profiting from GDKP. I know a lot of people have profited from it and are still doing so.

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I hope the extra time affords you the opportunity to not accidentally put it into Era.


I am so very keen for Anniversary fresh. Didn’t really get the chance at 2019 fresh launch. I’m here hopefully for the long haul. These changes are all positive too.


Please add a RPPVP before launch tomorrow


You’re not stuck with anything, you have normal classic servers, play them.

As a matter of fact, we’re stuck with several changes from SoD. We’ll see what bleeds over from this fresh iteration. Something probably will.


Will weekly raids (e.g., MC / Onyxia) be resetting on the standard Tuesday schedule? I see that the first week of raiding starts on a Thursday (Dec 12).

Just checking to see whether the Classic Fresh servers are following the standard reset schedules or will have an alternate schedule.