It also led to personal loot dropping because people would try to get EVERYTHING becauae they have two main specs. I was there, i did it.
I’m a tank.
So don’t raid with those people? OR again set up your own raids… Could have been prevented with GDKPs as well, but those are banned.
Segregation isnt the answer
Yeah, because that’s what he’s getting at.
Lmao in what world is “vanilla wow” only 5 years old? People have been using that term to refer to the original game since BC launched 17 years ago…
I dont like the idea hes proposing where i have to wonder in every dungeon “is this a spec fluid player? Do i need to remove them so they dont need every piece of loot for both specs?”
I like a game where i go in and the feral druid is needing agility gear because hes feral not healing gear because “oh i might be a healer in 10 minutes”
Ok? Good for you, I guess?
You don’t have to wonder that, in every dungeon or raid, if you join a group with loot rules.
Where are these loot ruled groups listed? Do i advertise “lfm no dual spec users” and segregate players out?
You think vanilla is 5 years old so i assume you werent around for dual spec and the loot hungry mob when it was first introduced.
hunters have it easy enough
Very easily actually, you label rules as MS>OS and if they’re DPS, they get DPS loot.
If they’re heals, they get healing loot.
If they switch, they get the loot for whatever they were before, no questions.
Since were doing interviews now and background questions are required, I’ve been playing since World of Warcraft (the one before TBC) so I have a little bit of an idea of how all this stuff works.
Also, this is how it works for people who respec for classes, FOR EXAMPLE, Ret pallies.
Care to explain why it’s an issue?
World of warcraft 5 years ago or 20 years ago?
Also if they click the need button how do you enforce ms>os
i think a fair compromise is for dual speccing to not be usable outside of a capital.
i just want to be able to dps in the world, but heal dungeons and raids bro lol
Do you actually play wow or do you need my advice from scratch on how to run loot rules.
Im just confused what version we are playing vanilla or classic vanilla
I’m kind of in the same position, I might play for a bit to see if maybe I am still having fun but this is like a trifecta for me, and with life being really busy lately, this iteration is probably not worth most of my free time.
#1 Massive servers with no real community, where it’s so bad that you don’t even recognize guild names or run into the same people, making the game not “feel like Vanilla”.
#2 PVP changes turning it into a solo rep grind, which will probably lead to some lame AV meta again. I posted about this a ton when they put it in.
#3 Dual spec esp if you can do it in the middle of raids. I had to keep swapping specs in WotLK raids and I HATED it, they went from being fun to feeling like a crappy part-time job. So for me it’s less of a problem if can be done in cities only.
The whole time playing Classic pre-Wrath when they put dual spec in as a druid main I never once pined for that option.
Also, who knows what they are going to change next? World bosses to not be in the world again? Or more before that too?
Anyway, I was waiting a while too and I REALLY wanted “just Vanilla Fresh” but I wanted something like 1.13 with no changes. If I do nope out of this it’s probably for the best.
It’s been discussed ad nauseam on this forum and others for years. You cannot claim not to understand the arguments. It affects the game in raids (loot, various encounter checks, rostering), dungeons, open world, and socially in guild design and in- and cross-guild relationships, among others. Not being able to do everything yourself is part of the game design. I do not believe people who pretend not to understand this are arguing in good faith.
And you can avoid this how? Finding other players that fit your play style and or creating your own runs.