blizzard, do your thing
No, this is content that prolly should of been out at launch, tbh. Locks canât even get their epic mount without phase 2.
Itâll be fine.
why is this not stickied yet???
Hi Blizzard, I played 20 years ago and I am playing again now on the new Anniversary Realms, for nostalgia and for fun. Even playing quite a lot and going fairly fast I am only level 55. Iâm just trying to collect my pre-bis gear, doing dungeons and I didnât even get a chance to run some of the higher level dungeons (Stratholme etc). Never mind Onyxia and MC, those are still really far. You are releasing this content way too fast and you are going to leave behind the majority of the players.
played sense 04, the past 2 years
Of the devs listening to the loud minority that cries online is awful. I quit this game. Rank cap because the people who donât want to rank cried enough is lame.
These dorks love controlling how others play the game itâs the only answer and sense their all keyboard warriors they cried enough and ruined it.
The stuff will still be there your dumb
I know.
I push back a bit.
They seem to equate skill with putting in all the extra effort to get world buffs.
Itâs not hard to sit in org and wait for wBuffs.
The hardest one to get is DM and thatâs if youâre not just paying someone for a completed run.
If you arent 60 yet or close then thats on you, I put in a couole hours a night, lost my PC to a PSU short circuit for a 9 days, and still managed to pull off level 55 on a warriorâŚ
Is it rushed? Maybe.
You cant expect Blizzard to wait for everyone to get to 60, some of yall are slow AF, running circles in main cities crying about quick phases. Lmao
Too soon Blizzard. I get you guys want money but you realise if you drag this out longer that youâll be able to make more money from subscriptions yeah? If youâre scared people will get bored because they no-lifed the game and want new content then bad luck for them, and theyâll probably come back when new stuff drops anyway. Stop being so greedy and focus on the customer experience aspect, and stop sexually harassing your workmates.
Really hoping for some vanilla style AV turtles. IMO, those were the most fun you could have in PVP. Also, yes, I agree with a lot of the posters that this seems a bit rushed seeing as the original TBC took two years to come out after launch.
How about word on if we will be able to bring our Anniversary characters to Era instead of TBC?
Honor should have been out DAY 1.
ZERO reason to gate keep gear. You guys are okay with MC geared people killing people in dung gear and greens but lets gate keep honor gear thats outshined come aq
oh look, its just throwinhands complaining about the same nonsense he does every server
Do we know when pvp (honor) gear will be available? if new honor system starts Jan 9
Ranks capped?
lol thanks SoD andys
Itâs their game now. The current dev team hate people that just enjoy vanilla for what it is. Everything they do is to push us out and cultivate a different community. Thereâs a reason thereâs no communication on stuff that happens to leak over to Era and Anniversary from SoD.
They call the new PvP system âimprovedâ even though it killed BG queues on Era almost immediately after going live. Thank God that PvE Andy could get his R14 on phase 15 Naxx forever Classic Era from semi-afking in AV once a month, though.
this they loathe us.
Makes me appreciate the devs they had for Classicâs original release. At least they tried with what they were given. Whatever team that is assigned to Classic now has genuine contempt for those that play their game.
you hate them and they hate you. seems fair to me.