WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Arrives January 9

WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Arrives January 9

Ring in the new year with the updated Honor System, the opening of iconic battlegrounds Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley, and the release of Dire Maul and the world bosses, Azuregos and Kazzak.

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Got to get to level 51 and then level in av contributing nothing at all.


Too soon


rank caps really bro…

just cant escape the SOD mind virus can we


Thank god its capped and the new system is here

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yeah we get 5 MC lockouts total when phase 2 launches


lol blizzard, do you think it’s enough time to hit 60 in 50 days?
unless you consider your players no lifers or buying gold to get boosted.

i read somewhere that if the player isn’t following a guide he/she will require 240hours to hit 60, that’s like 5hours of gameplay per day, tough for any one who study or work or have a family or friends to go out with.


I very much hope they don’t leave casual levelers behind. They level slowly mostly because they simply can’t play as much as they’d need to in order to be 60 by now.


Way to soon. As always this team has no idea what they are doing.


Any hope of an RP server?


Give the Roleplaying Community some communication, please.


People are still going to do MC. BWL won’t be out for another 3-4 months. It was pretty obvious P2 would be released after the holidays. Karazhan is a long way off, more people will be leveling alts for Burning Crusade between now and then as well.

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what “leaving behind” :expressionless: nothing is going anywhere. there is no rush to get to 60

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ooo there’s gonna be a week of “phase 2” carnage :expressionless: that’ll be fun

Ah so the usual content release schedule that ruined and killed every single classic experience re release to ever exist… You do realise you lose well over 50% of your player base everytime you release your 2nd phase too early due to your player base being now left behind yet again… The original re release of classic, SoD re release of classic and all of the other classic re releases including now the 20th aniv version phases get released way too quick to where players are now left behind and get into the mindset of well now I can never catch up and just quit all together…


you get more after p2 launches.

Happy BGs will be in for something to do… but damn… I was planning on ranking 3x toons, and only one them is even 60 right now (and frankly felt like I was zooming doing that)…

2 more to at least 51+ in under 3 weeks… with holiday stuff intermixed is gonna be pretty rough.

I love the decision of giving us 1 week of global PvP. Thank you so much.

But why this fast ?! We could use some more time to get to 60 n gather gear before honor. Also it’s the holidays period. This csn totally be delayed for a couple of weeks.

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If you won’t give us an RP server at least let us know why we’ve been left out in the cold for Anniversary.

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Happy phase 2 is coming soon, but bummed about ranks capping at 11… Feels bad