WoW Classic 1.13.3 Patch Notes

You guys shouldn’t have camped the boats or this wouldn’t have been necessary.

Don’t blame blizzard - blame the community.


Next to no effort besides waiting another six months to transfer back. Pretty sad plan though.

Not every server has a large population

If you could, are you going to transfer to a PvE server or are you going to transfer to another PvP server where Alliance are perceived to be the more played faction? I guess I could understand transferring to a PvE server but I never felt like transferring servers because there was more people playing on the opposite faction on my server.

Transferring to another server for the reason of be on the dominate faction only seems reinforce peoples concerns that paid transfers will only serve to make any faction imbalance worse.

If a lot of people are going to be transferring for this reason it begs of the question of if any server transfers that are not heavily regulated are the in any of the server communities best interest.

You obviously aren’t playing on an 80/20 server. People that are on the minority faction can and do like PVP. But what we got isn’t PVP, it’s being zerged everywhere that we’re flagged and really not having access to 90% of the game without spending literal hours corpse walking.

I shouldn’t have to transfer to a PVE realm because my realm became pure garbage. That was outside of my control. I’d go to another realm where I was the minority faction; I don’t care as long as the game is playable.


‘Close’ is a lingerie shop without any windows…”

Turn. It. On.

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WTB bug fixes list PST

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Player is hit by wall of text.
Player is still reading wall of text on Thursday when it changes
Wall of text has effected delayed crit from impossible range and Player has to start over

I feel like your lying when you say that you would transfer to another server where you would be on the perceived minority faction when you blame faction imbalance for you feeling like you cant play “90% of the game”.

With battlegrounds being released most people farming honor will be battlegrounds and not camping flight paths and Blackrock Mountain. I fully expect that the open world will be mostly as it was before the honor system was released.

If I was horde on over populated server I would transfer to heartseeker. Less ppl to compete in R14. So, be prepared alliance for a surge.

Ppl will transfer to be the lower population faction. BGs is cross realm and less ppl to compete against to R14.

I believe with these changes it will help balance it. Why? Think about it. Less ppl to compete against for rank.

Please make Oceanic servers their own region PLEASE!!

Server transfer pls. As a 54 warrior its impossible for me to play the game currently.

Wonder if they will ever let us change factions. I have a orc warriar and I am willing to switch to ally to balance the game.

Oh I’m prot warrior R14 was never in my cards :joy:

Haha. I went alliance kind of figure it would be less ppl and less pvpers.

So, rank is easier to get. Just do very little bam rank 4 to 5 an hour a week already not stressing it. Out rank the horde that do 8hours a day. I think it’s a win for me.

Of course you are. :wink:

He wants easy rank.

Yes I agree OP, I am a #no changes person on gameplay, but things like paid transfers and even guild banks will not break the classic gameplay experience of questing, dungeons or battlegrounds.