WoW Classic 1.13.3 Patch Notes

I actually had to look it up since I’ve never heard of it. Then after reading I realized this comment was also a joke. Got a good chuckle and it proved to me my intelligence isn’t quite up there. At least I know now I won’t be performing any rocket surgery in the future.

Care to elaborate?


I dont think they will. It will most likely be like retail. If its not, OC horde are gonna have even bigger queues.

So we can’t queue from a city, we have to queue in hillsbrad and ashenvale? The brackets are 10-19, 20-29 etc. (Instead of 21-30, 31-40 like they were when you queued from the portals) and it’s cross-realm (which didn’t happen until after Naxx) because the extremely imbalanced servers would be complaining their insanely overpopulated faction doesn’t get instant queues and theyd be inconvenienced. Hmmm just kind of picking and choosing what happened in classic at completely different times from each other great…


There are only 6 keys that can go into the keyring including the one for gnomer

them must have been dumb horde because paid transfers were in vanilla I always suspected they would be in classic…#NOCHANGES.


I think you missed the end of that paragraph:

I also remember the brackets ending in 9, which was important for the 39 bracket since there were no mounts. It’s what made it kind of popular to those who preferred the higher level compared to 19/29 but didn’t like what mounts did to the flow of maps like WSG.

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No battlegroups for BGs apparently so server rep identity isn’t high on the priority list. Unless they are seeing an even bigger die-off than expected, it would have been nice to have.

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You can also queue at the battlemasters in IF and Org.

The bracket for AV was 51 (roadkill) to 60.

If they don’t, they weren’t fixing bugs.

Back in the day when servers transfers first came out it would give you eligible destination servers based on the current realm, the faction of the character you want to move and whatever nebulous criteria needed to be met on the destination realm.
This still lets them have their hand on the till. Paid transfers will probably not be introduced as ‘everyone just go wherever you want without restrictions’
For example you were not able to move to high pop realms back then.

help me oh my gosh

Key to the City,
Prison Cell Key,
Crescent Key,
Shadowforge Key,
Skeleton Key,
The Scarlet Key,
Workshop Key,
Viewing Room Key,
Key to Searing Gorge,
Grim Guzzler Key,


I have a feeling that they will be only allowing specific server transfers during the initial rounds.

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Paid character transfers during the height of the Honor system is such a disregard for fair play it unquestionably cannot be allowed till P6+ like it was originally in Vanilla when it was offered after Naxx was released.

PCT for easy honor ranking of dead servers cannot be allowed. Furthermore this is notably one of the decisions Blizzard mistakenly made in the past that lead to completely dead servers over time, broken communities with increasingly lack of moral judgment because a server transfer is a few clicks away, and faction stacking on PvP servers.

Don’t make the same mistake twice.


Yeah but when your server ends up 99-1 in your favour you’re not going to be feeling very happy come AQ. Either your gates never get opened and you skip a tier or it’ll be up to your faction to make low level alts on the other faction (Hope you’re on a PvE server to even be able to do this) and start hauling a billions mats through the neutral AH over to Orgrimmar/Ironforge to do all the turn ins.

As opposed to what?

false this wont happen. Proof?

no battle groups or anything like there was before?