WoW Classes as Pokemon Types

Inspired by this thread, By Peppermint

Warrior: Normal.
Rogue: Dark.
Hunter: Ground/Grass.
Mage: Fire/Ice.
Priest: Psychic.
Warlock: Poison.
Paladin: Fairy
Druid: Grass
Shaman: Fire, Ice, Water, Electric, Rock.
Monk: Fighting
Demon Hunter: Flying
Death Knight: Ghost/Ice

Now We Just need a Tinker Class, so we can get our Steel Type. Or Steel/Electric.

All thanks go to Peppermint. She’s the best.



Demon hunter
Flying with the move steal

I can see that.


There too much negativity on these forums nowadays.


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I don’t know anything about Pokemon, but +1 for Tinkers!

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Yes! My two favourite worlds collide.

With a shoutout to my favourite Pokémon. Spinda, you’re normal but you’re beautiful <3.

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I’m genuinely amazed Rogue didn’t go to the Poison category.

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Darn right. :sunglasses:

I main a Monk in World of Warcraft.
My favorite Pokémon is Lucario, because I got a shiny one.

I like Punching things.

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I’m just here to vote against tinkers. All plate classes are Steel so that’s already covered anyway.

Thank you for your time.

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Well. We can’t all be cool kids.

If everyone was cool, no one would be

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Lucario is an absolute badass. It’s perfect that it aligns with monk!

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Of course we warriors are normal , everyone else are crazy for not being a warrior :crazy_face:

Mage- fire/ice
Hunter- grass/ground
Shaman-ground with water fire water or electric
Warlock-dark/fire or dark/poison
Rogue-dark/poison or dark/fighting
Demon hunter-dark/fire or dark/flying
Priest- psychic/fairy or psychic/dark
Death knight-ghost/dark or ghost/ice

druids could also make strong arguments for rock and fairy types. maybe even normal as well