WoW Charity Pet Program $1 Million USD Goal Reached – Daisy Unlocked!

thank you! was trying everything, this worked great!

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I am kinda disappointed that when you /beckon Daisy, she just teleports to your back. No animation that plays out. :frowning: Otherwise it is a nice looking pet. Hope one day the issues other people have stated get resolved.

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The true Garrosh redemption arc.

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You can’t even use /target Daisy, as they disabled target macros for battle pets.

So you have to manually target her every single time you want her on your back, you can’t just make a macro to summon her, target her, then beckon her.

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Big shout out to Bobby Kotick for donating some of his $200 million bonus to this! :smiley:

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For gods sake can you PLEASE remove that hideous ad from the damn launcher already!?!?! Tired of looking at that crap!


You are my hero!

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“One thing I did find very interesting… If Daisy is on your back, you can summon a second battle pet.”

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Just got back from Vegas last night and was going to donate some of my winnings (already donated money earlier) but now I can buy my new car instead. Yay for generous players of WoW coming thru to meet charity goals, again this year! =)

I proudly applaud the community’s reaction to Doctors Without Borders, it is a fine organization that does so much good!


Will only 25% of that go to charity? Or was that just an esports grift?

The donations page is owned by MSF/DWB, so they literally get 100%, and Activision/Blizzard do not get any of it. Not sure how people are still missing this point.


Great work!

Very Nice!

Hello I am a gnome :slight_smile:

I like this model because people can get a pet even if they don’t have as much to give!

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I wonder why this is still pinned to the top of topics 3 months later?


Lawyer fees…they are going to be spending a lot of money on lawyer fees. Like a lot.


Because Daisy can still be redeemed for free.

shiiiiiill for that money blizz, you gunna need it for all the law suits your hypocrisy got you into. get woke go broke