World of Warcraft has an immense story line in a huge world. This fantastical realm is filled with story, lore, and quest NPC characters. In playing Wow the player meets this assembly of mythical people. And they all have defined personalities. What are your favorite Characters or the characters you just hate. Which are the most unusual, unique, or strange? Which characters story line is the best or worst written? Which are the most heroic or tragic?
Not really one character in particular, but I cried over the Lost Ones/Broken Draenei. Misunderstood but definitely loved in my book. The light will never leave you.
The greatest hero Azeroth has ever produced. Who is that?
Say my name.
The guest book at the first waking shores Inn. “I dont read quests, I complete them.” Best storytelling in wow. 10/10.
The Gentleman Elemental who whispers to me that I’d look good in a top hat is…disturbing.
I think Wrathion is a little misunderstood by most and VERY misunderstood by the writers (how is DF Wrathion the same guy who helped take down N’zoth back in BfA? Garbage…)
He is my favorite character, so it is sad to see him obliterated and flanderized.
That’s a funny way to spell Budd.
Wrathion had two primary motivations–restoring the Black Dragonflight and becoming the new Earth Warder. I’m curious to see what they do with his character now that both those things are no longer relevant.
If we’re lucky he’ll get put on the shelf and forgotten.
Garrosh fits all of those categories. Loved and has the best story. Hated and is labeled a maniac. Heroic in his ideals, and reviled for acting on them. He’s been a war veteran, a youth looking for his way in life, a possed creature, a captive prisoner, and time traveler.
Dorak. The best little peon.
Mylra. Just awful.
I’m one of those weirdos that like Nathanos
My opinions on characters are worth next to dirt because of that lol
Favourite Character is Sylvanas well before they ruined her connected to her due to well my own personal experiences.
Could go int depth but well would take forever and I suck at writing lol so just gonna drop this here.
Characters I hate would be Baine the traitorous cow and bigot who rather than making a stand himself openly and proudly like his father Cairne he went to the Alliance begging for help. Also don’t like Anduin since well he was changed from gentle sweet priest to who Arthas fan boys think Arthas was just to please a certain insecure part of the playerbase.
Like if they didn’t ruin Anduin BFA probably would of been avoided with him arranging to meet the Horde peacefully and hear out their issues with the Night Elves getting their home back without more unnecessary blood shed that cost even more Night Elf lives and Genn getting held accountable for his War Crimes in legion but nope can’t have that.
Like all of the Alliance tended to treat Sylvanas and by extension the Forsaken with contempt and hostility except one person being Anduin who was actually sympathetic and understanding of them.
I thought of Garrosh too. I remember Garrosh as the leader who showed up a bit too late in Stonetalon Mtns to help out those tauren as some of his lieutenants were corrupt and he did save a couple.
Then, fast forward to MoP and he sounds like a lunatic but that’s the sha getting into him, twisting things I think.
I don’t like how they wrote him out like that. He had so much potential. Oh well.
I cant stand Chromie.
Oh oh oh! I know this! It was either in an interview or a blizzcon. That stone talons quest wasn’t supposed to end like that. The big writers didn’t know it was even in until it was too late.
The most hated and most revered would be Bwonsamdi ,his snarks are classic and his laughter annoying enough to just love as a character.
Speaking of which, i’m still waiting to see vol’jin’s children.
I know! One was listed as his kid in one quest, then another person was talking like it was their kid
Then they fixed it to “my cheftian’s”.
You’d think they would remember that he has children after being assassinated, the darkspear kicked out of orgrimmar, vol’jin dying, and venturing a troll kingdom. I should give up waiting for that but the darkspear don’t have much else to explore.
…sorry for the ramble.